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Nemesis gave a heavy sigh as she sunk back into the limo seat. She swirled the champagne in her glass before downing it all at once. As soon as she was finished, the glass was taken off her by Rydel, who shook his head disapprovingly.

" That's four glasses in a row. No more." He put the glass away before she could protest. Erebus, Coeus, Apollo and Metis were laughing and chatting away happily, enjoying their first ever experience of the fancy life while she was sick of it already.

" I can believe we're actually on Zarix." She muttered. For some reason that she couldn't figure out, Metis had actually agreed with Erebus, and made the final decision as the leader that they would go with Rydel to the central planet. Which meant like it or not, Nemesis was going to be seeing her niece for the first time ever. She was nervous about it, thought she'd never admit it. After 11 years away from Zarix, she felt a horrible sense of dread in her stomach at the thought of seeing anyone she used to know.

" I'm glad to have you back." Rydel said quietly to her, watching the others enjoying themselves with a small smile on his face. She grunted in response, tossing another cherry sweet into her mouth.

" Honey, don't be so down. There's a reason I've decided this was a good idea." Metis shifted along and sat next to her, holding out her hand for a sweet. Nemesis dropped one onto her palm.

" Oh? So it's not to take advantage of the free booze?" Nemesis rolled her eyes.

" Nope. It's because your niece needs you. I may be a badass, but even I think family is important." Metis sighed.

When the limo finally stopped, Nemesis didn't know if she could bring herself to get out. The others jumped out happily, eager to see what the rich lived in, and Rydel rubbed his temples before following them. He turned back and looked at her, then extended his hand to help her out. She stared at him a second, spun around and got out the other side.

She was met by a small crowd of people dressed in matching uniforms. Castle staff she assumed, all of them staring at the group with confused faces. Rydel muttered something under his breath, then moved around the car and approached a man in the front of the group. He was dressed in a dark purple suit with a black tie and shoes, his pure white hair brushed stylishly to the left side. His face was chiseled and angled like a great artist had carved it out of smooth sandstone. Rydel gave a polite bow of his head to the man before speaking to him.

" I found her. As you requested." Rydel said. The man stared between Metis and Nemesis, obviously trying to figure out which he was referring to.

" How did you track her down?" The man asked, still uncertain which woman was the duchess. Nemesis considered telling him it was her, but decided to let him guess a little longer.

" A scout on Exort recognised her by the scar on her leg." Rydel said. Nemesis frowned. She was found just because of her scar? She had only worn shorts once, and not by choice. She'd been nervous about the scar showing, but Apollo had convinced her she was fine. She glanced over to him, and he seemed to know exactly what she was thinking, because he mouthed the word 'sorry' at her. When she looked back to the two men, they were both standing in front of her. She automatically stepped back.

" The Duchess of Dionys. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." The purple suited man smiled, taking her hand and bringing it up to his lips. She snatched her hand back before he could kiss it, catching him off guard.

" Don't call me that." She ordered. He coughed awkwardly, and a whisper waved through the staff behind him.

" My apologies...um..."

" Jolene." Rydel said. She glanced at him. " If you will not be called by your proper title, you will be called by your proper name."

" Whatever. Listen, the sooner this is over the better, so just tell me what I'm supposed to do." She met with the purple suited man's icy blue eyes, and saw him shiver.

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