4: Detour

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" I'm not going anywhere dressed like this!" Erebus was being as stubborn as usual. They had known Rydel would probably want them to wear nicer clothing than the torn combat gear they had, but when they had been handed their clothes they were all a bit shocked. The guard uniform consisted of white trousers, white boots, a white undershirt, a blue waistcoat and a blue three-buttoned jacket with gold trim. Naturally, each of them had altered the top half of the outfit to suit their own styles. Metis and Coeus ditched the waistcoat, opting for just a shirt and jacket, Nemesis had done the opposite and ditched both the shirt and jacket for just a waistcoat, and Apollo wore the full set like the nerd he was. Typically, Erebus was the only one causing such a fuss over some clothes. He had locked himself in his room, refusing to leave so long as he had to wear the uniform. Despite fifteen minutes of shouting and threatening him, he still wasn't coming out. Nemesis was getting very close to kicking the door in and dragging him out, but suddenly Rydel appeared with the master key to the castle. He unlocked the door, and Nemesis immediately stormed in. Erebus was surprised, so it wasn't hard for her to tackle him. She held him on the ground while Metis stood next to a shocked Rydel, shaking her head.

" Coeus, grab him." She ordered. Coeus walked over to the two and took hold of Erebus. Once he had him, Nemesis stood up, while Coeus lifted the skinny man over his shoulder with barely any effort at all. Erebus swore constantly as they left the castle and walked towards the limo waiting outside.

They climbed into the back of the limo. Estelle was already sitting at the far end with Taron, both of which looked as shocked as Rydel at Erebus's attitude. Once the door was closed, the limo immediately started moving. A silence fell over Erebus, one that they were all very grateful for. Sadly, it only lasted five minutes.

" Where are we going anyway?" He moaned, arms folded like a grumpy child. You'd never believe the guy was 22 years old.

" Are you serious? Were you not listening to a word we said yesterday?!" Metis gaped at him. He stared at her blankly and shrugged. A collective groan was emitted from all the Titan members, earning strange looks from the three others.

" There's a summit later this week to discuss the a possible end to the war between Covic and Pseudon. All the planet leaders are visiting Zarix for it. As an attempt to get on our good side before the summit, the Covician President has invited the Queen to lunch." Rydel explained quickly.

" Dumbass." Nemesis hit the back of Erebus's head. He turned to her, ready to strike back, but Metis kicked both their shins before he could.

" Knock it off you two!" She ordered, glaring at them until they shrugged and relaxed back into the comfortable leather seats.

The limo was a long, classy vehicle that had been the signature travel method for the royals for generations. It was sleek white with a flat,glowing blue neon bar along each side. The Royal Crest was printed on the sides too and the windows were tinted so that no one could see in. The inside was entirely black, with the seats going like a stretched out half circle around the whole way around the top end nearest the blocked off section where the driver was. The doors were at the other end, one on each side for easy exits. The only way to communicate with the driver was through a built in call panel on the division wall. As Nemesis looked out the window, she expected to see the high end stores and apartment buildings that occupied the city which the castle sat on the outskirts off. However, she was bizarrely met with a thick forest of tall trees. She turned to Rydel, who sat opposite her.

" Hey, are we taking a detour?" She asked. He frowned at her, clearly showing he had no idea what she was on about. She nodded out the windows and he looked, confusion crossing his face. Taron frowned when he noticed too, while the rest didn't understand what was wrong.

Mercilessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें