6: Honesty

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Doberman was clearly in shock. He stared down at her with wide brown eyes. She kept tabs on where his hands were, not wanting to give him a chance to draw any weapons.

" I know about your contract to assassinate the queen." She said.

" What?! How?!"

" Let's just say those thugs you sent to do the dirty work won't be reporting back."

" Why would you kill them? Why do you care about our contract?" He seemed to get angry.

" We've been hired to protect the queen. So naturally, we want to know what you guys are doing. I know it's just a contract, and I'm willing to let it slide if you promise two things. Firstly, you won't attach me as soon as I move this knife. Secondly, you're gonna drop the contract." She ordered. He hesitated as he weighed his options.

" Honestly, just knowing you guys are the ones protecting her is enough to make me want to leave this damn planet, let along the contract. It's a deal." He agreed. She lowered the knife and stepped back from him, letting him relax a little before questioning any further.

" Who hired you?"

" We never met the guy face to face. He contacted us one day without telling us how he found our number. He said his name was Rayon Curst. He offered us a billion Zrei to do this. We thought we could sub-hire rogues and make them do the work for us, then collect the payment and be done with it." Doberman hurriedly answered her question. She frowned. The name was unfamiliar to her.

" Did he give you a number to contact?"

" No. He said he'd know when the job was done and transfer the credits within 24 hours of it's completion. Sorry Nem, that's all I know." He shrugged. Her stomach sank. Whoever this guy was, he didn't sound like an idiot. In fact, his method was on par with the mercenaries themselves. She met Doberman's eyes to ensure he wasn't lying to her, but she already knew he had more to lose by lying.

" Alright, it's something at least. Thanks, Dobby." She sighed.

" Don't call me that. You're welcome though. We should go back inside before they worry about us." He smiled. They went back into the club and rejoined the others. To her surprise, Doberman suddenly decided to announce the news of their cancelled contract to K-9 immediately. Akita began protesting wildly, clearly set on the massive amount of money that they would have earned. Bulldog didn't seem too fussed, simply shrugging and chugging down the last of his drink. Boxer on the other hand, seemed glad it was over, giving a cheer and offering to pay for the next round of drinks. Metis have Nemesis a curious look, and Nemesis shrugged back, just as confused as they were.

" We can't just drop a contract! This is stupid!" Akita huffed.

" Hey, if you want to fight against Titan, go for it. They're protecting the girl." Doberman shrugged casually. The three members stared between each of the Titan group. Akita finally fell silent, shaking her head.

" I think it's time we leave." Metis said, standing up. Titan followed her lead, saying a quick goodbye to K-9.

" Wait, before you go." Doberman grabbed Nemesis by the wrist. " Can you do me a favour?"

" Depends on the favour." She responded.

" I don't know how happy this guy will be when we drop the contract. If he gives us any trouble, I need you guys to back us up, okay?"

" You know how to find us." She nodded. He let her wrist go and waved as she caught up with the others outside.

On the drive back to the castle she told them what Doberman had said. Rydel didn't recognise the name of the contractor either, so Metis ordered Coeus to research it.

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