5: Old Friends

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Nemesis checked the other two bodies and had found the same ring on both. Rydel had insisted they return to the limo quickly, as they would be late for the lunch. Metis had ordered them to comply, despite protests from them. She had also told Rydel not to drive. Instead, she and Nemesis were now sat in the front of the limo where they knew the others couldn't hear them. The excuse they had told Taron and Estelle so as not to worry them was that Rydel wanted to stay with the young queen to comfort her after the 'detour', so Nemesis was giving Metis the directions while she drove them. Really, the two women had wanted to discuss their find.

Nemesis stared at the emblem on one of the rings. There was no mistaking it. The emblem belong to another mercenary group called K-9. A group that Titan had actually been friendly with back on Exort.

" I don't understand. Why would K-9 be here?" Metis asked.

" When I last spoke to Doberman, he said they had been offered a major contract. He wouldn't tell me any details though, so I never really thought much of it." Nemesis said.

" Still, an assassination of a Queen? I can't believe they'd be that ballsy." Metis pouted.

" It must to have been a lot of credits on the table."

" I'll say. They must have recruited those three thugs to do it. Doberman isn't stupid, he knows this is a big risk job. He must plan on handing out the rings to any sucker willing to do whatever it takes to join their group and let them deal with it while K-9 enjoy a nice holiday off Exort. Once someone succeeds and the contract is paid, they cut the poor idiot loose and return to business as usual." Metis said. She was right, the rings were just a front. Convincing people they're part of the group so they'll do anything. They actually meant nothing.

" If K-9 is on Zarix, maybe we should pay them a visit." Nemesis shoved the rings back into her pocket as they turned the final corner and pulled up outside the fancy privet restaurant that the Covician President had hired for his good-will lunch.

" Agreed. We'll go later, once Estelle is back at the castle." Metis nodded.

Later couldn't come soon enough. The lunch was draining. The Covician President was a mid-thirties woman who spent half the time flirting with all the men present. Even Erebus had to leave the room before he lashed out in embarrassment. Nemesis was eager to put the woman in her place, but Metis managed to keep her calm. Estelle became stuck a few times when asked questions from the visiting president, at which point Nemesis had intervened to cover for her niece. On the journey back, Nemesis gave Estelle a quick lesson on all the topics that had been mentioned. Finally at the castle, Estelle had a tutoring session to get to. Taron thanked the group for dealing with the 'incident' earlier and scurried off to handle some issues with the staff, leaving Titan to discuss their plan of action to deal with K-9. Metis and Nemesis quickly filled the others in on their thoughts.

" So let's go find 'em." Erebus shrugged. " It can't be that hard, right?"

" They could be anywhere in the kingdom." Apollo pointed out to him.

" Asteroid Deluxe." Rydel suddenly spoke up after listening in on them. They all turned to look at him in confusion. " It's a very popular lounge in the industrial district of Zarix. It's like Exort, but indoors."

" Well, if they're here, that's our best chance at finding them. Let's take a trip to the lounge tonight at 10pm." Metis nodded at them all. They began heading upstairs to get ready.

" I want to go with you." Rydel said.

" No way." Nemesis answered.

" Sorry, but you won't like this kind of place. It's the complete opposite of this castle life." Coeus backed her up. Still, Rydel seemed determined.

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