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"Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack...."

Outside, in the heavy rain and rumbling thunder, I hear the sound of the shovel digging up the soil my brother carves off the ground.

The skies rumbled and I flinched in surprise. My little brother, Milo, is crying at the corner of this small house of ours again, and he just won't stop weeping.

"Uh! Uh... Uhhh..."

Tsk! So annoying, my other older brother is in pain again, his frail and thin body can't handle even the rain. I stood up and walked to the other corner of our small and wooden house, there, the sheets I folded are organized and piled up. I took one sheet, spread it and covered my frail brother's body. "Milo! Keep it down, John will hear you cowardly weeping again." I demanded to my scared little brother as I sit back down to where I sat earlier.

The thwacking at the back of the house has stopped, my brother is probably done there, because I can hear his loud footsteps through the muddy ground outside. "Oh no! Here he comes! He's about to open the door!" I thought. My heart is beating fast, I don't understand why but I don't like this feeling.

He pushes the door, slowly opening as it creek loudly because of the rust. I gulped, clenched my hands and staring at the door as he walks in all bloody.

Milo cried even harder, so John slapped him, he squealed both in fear and pain, and there I was unable to do anything but flinch. John glares at me, I stiffened, not able to look away from his cold traumatizing gaze. "Feed Jeremy." He said to me in a prideful and demanding tone, and of course I'd obey, I'd rather be his slave for life than be buried like our sister. What can I, a 5 years old, do?

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