Feels Good?

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Jeremy and I are the only ones left now, everyone else was killed by John. It's getting lonely, and here I am stuck with a disabled older brother who stinks.

As usual, I did my chores, fed Jeremy, ate breakfast, and fold the sheets we use to sleep during the night. The sound of tweeting is loud but it sounds so peaceful at the same time. Wind comes in through all the gaps of the walls, and it's kinda cold.

I've had enough! I wanna get out of this house! I don't know why but I just have the urge to get out of here, but of course, I can't. I can't even get help... But I don't wanna live and die here! I gotta see what the outside world is! And even tho I've never seen what the outside world is, I still feel so attached to it.

And it's making me wonder even more how I get here... I can't be blood related to John, right? There's just no way. Specially because the previous and now late Milo told me about the previous Mis before me.


He's home, and again, he's pissed. And I'm currently being shoved to his dick as he strokes his hips back and form. I don't know why but I kinda feel alright(?)

The tip of his dick is soothing when it reaches my throat, and the smooth shape of his dick curves my tongue. This time, I'm careful not to accidentally bite him; or I'm off for another beating.

I'm feeling hot, I don't know but I feel something down there. So I reached for it and touched my clit. It feels good! But when I looked at John, he was in shock.

He pins me down the floor, and he's riding right above me. Out of curiosity, maybe... He pressed my clit- I learned what clit is because John told me what it is before, but I can't remember how and why he told me.

It hurts, but I wanna be touched even more. I don't know why but I'm making noises, and I'm definitely twitching for some reason. My feet are pointed as I lift them unconsciously, and my hands are holding John's wrist that's stroking my inside.

Small squeals of pleasure is being let out my mouth, and I just love the feeling. "Feels good?" He asked me as he presses his finger against the wall inside me. I flinched and trembled, letting a loud voice out. "Huh? Feels good?" He added, as he puts another finger in and strokes violently and faster. I can't stop making loud noises, and I also kept flinching and trembling from the pleasure.

But suddenly, he stopped, I think I pissed myself, but why is it sticky? "Do you wanna feel that way again?" I looked at him, innocently, I nodded as a response to his question. He scoffed, then he said, "Then stay. Run away and you'll never feel good."

I don't know why... But a part of me is craving the things he just did to me. Now I'm hesitant to run away.


The next day, John stayed at home. He's sleeping, probably because he slept less last night. As what I do everyday, I'm sitting next to Jeremy, feeding him salted rice.

'I'm sick of this!' I thought. Then I looked at John. He's kinda pale, or maybe it's just his skin tone... But it suits him well, paired with his pitch black eyes and hair, he looks  captivating. And I just can't stop but keep looking at him. It's kinda sudden, but what happened between us last night came to my mind. I want that! I wanna feel that again! It's so mysterious and... And...

I remembered his question clearly, and I want to here him say that again!


Night came, I started to feel the desire I first felt last night. I looked at John who just came out the toilet after taking a bath. He looked at me and I immediately glanced to the floor.

"You want another sibling that badly?" He asked as he frowned his brows at me. I nodded but kept silent, but obviously that's not what I want.

John lied down to sleep, it's kinda funny how he sleeps a lot today. He must be tired. But from what?
He closed his eyes and turn to the side, made his arm a pillow and actually went to sleep. I kept looking at him, and I realized he's kinda slim, he has a small waist.

Well... He really is in deep sleep. He won't wake up now... Guess it won't happen today. But even so, I know I can do it myself. I couldn't resist, so I touched myself, repeating the movement he made last night.

It kinda hurts, but the inside of me is numb anyway. I slipped my two fingers in and flinched. I'm already panting, but I made sure not to let out even a small sound from my mouth. I slid my fingers out, then I slid it in again. That's what John did, so this'll feel good, right?

So far, I'm not really satisfied, so just like John did, I stroked in and out rapidly as I move my other hand on my clit in circular motions. God, it feels amazing. It felt really good, my mind went blank and all I could think of is just how this feels so good, and I didn't realize I was moaning this whole time. Thank god John is still fast asleep.

Hm? It's sticky again, now I know it's not pee. But I still don't know what it is. I feel drained, but I didn't stop. I kept stroking and rubbing at the same time, and it's much more amazing than before. I couldn't even notice that I'm already lifting myself with my two pointed feet. And I trembled both from my exhaustion and pleasure.

Again and again, I never stopped, and it's starting to hurt.

Hm? What's this feeling? It feels weird... I think I'm gonna pee! But it's so good that I wanna go further. I kept flinching and moaning, trembling from my exhaustion as well.

But then... As I touched myself. I accidentally peed the floor where I'm lying down at. I stopped, I was too exhausted. I put my pants back up and slept... My hand smells funny by the way.

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