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Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

My brother continued to dig the supposedly grave of mine, making it long enough to fit his girlfriend. Well, it's not like I'm actually out there with him, but I can see what he's doing through the gaps of the wall.

And on our floor, is his dead girlfriend, spreading her stenchy blood all over our tiny house. She's now pale, but still warm. John comes in, looks at me, and looks back at his girlfriend. He lifts her and walked out the house, but of course, he locked the door before walking back outside.

I peeked through the gap of the walls again. He walks to the back of the house, tossed her to the grave he dug and begun to toss the soil to bury her.

Finally, it's over! I despised the face she made during their sex. She's gross.

After a few moments, I could hear John's footsteps walk from the back of the house to the front. The door creeks as he opens it. Making it awkward for me; since he knows what I want him to do to me.

But he ignored my gaze, went to the toilet and came out with a bucket full of water. He poured the water to where the blood is, and then scraped it with a broom; the broom was a bunched up coconut tree leaves that were peeled, leaving only the thin sticks as hard broom. It looks like witch's flying broom.

After scraping all the blood out through the door, he picked a sheet from the corner and went to the toilet. When he went back out, the sheet is all soaked with water, he tossed the soaked sheet at me and said, "clean the rest of the blood. If I smell stench then I'll clean it off with your own blood." It's scary, he must've meant he'll cover the stench of her blood by spreading the blood from my dead body.

An hour later, the floor's already squeaky clean, but the blood stench stayed and is making me nauseous, and that includes John.

The next day, after going out and coming home again, he's already brought this white liquid that's inside a jag. "What's that?" I asked. "It's milk, moron." He replied. Then he poured the 'milk' to the floor, and the stench seems to slowly disappear. I was kinda relieved, now the blood stench is gone, I can live here peacefully again.

But where'd he get that 'milk'? And what's it even made of? But for some reason it's oddly familiar, I feel nostalgic about this 'milk' thing, as if it wasn't a strange thing to begin with.

John then puts the jag aside, walked pass the door and locked it from the outside. Just what's on the outside? I have this feeling that the outside's gotta be great if he keeps going out.


Hours passed, John has come back home from somewhere. And just like before, looks like he's brought another sibling again. "This is Rea, your new sister." He said with a dull expression suggesting he doesn't care. I looked at the supposedly new 'Rea', and she was Beautiful. Her pale white skin glows even during this dim dusk, with perfectly straight hair resting on her shoulders, and her blood like eyes that looks down upon me. She's a threat! Definitely a threat! She might just steal John's attention away from me! And John's holding her tight too.

"This is your new home, Rea. Sit down and don't speak." John demanded to Rea as he grinned lazily at her. Rea is quiet and immediately obeyed John like a slave. For her to do as he says... What has he done to her?

"Take care of her." He said as he walks out the door and locks it. "Hi, Rea." I said. She nodded and stared straight ahead. "Why are you staring there?" I asked after a few seconds of not breaking her stare.

"Nothing." she replied.

I feel sleepy already, so I went to the corner and lied down.


I woke up, I sat up and saw Rea standing with her back facing me. My sight is a bit blurry from sleeping, I stood and walked to her, only to realize she was holding a knife whilst staring at John. I couldn't move, I'm having hesitations. I kinda guessed what she's gonna do, she's gonna kill John, and if that happens, I might just know what the outside world looks like...

But if that happens...


Without thinking, I grabbed her wrist and pulled the knife away from her hand, tossed it to the side and shoved her. She fell and stumbled on John who's sleeping. It startled John, making him jolt and sit up. He glared at me, I was scared, I slowly stepped back and as he walks to me. I was backed to the wall and can't move, I gulped, he was staring at me with his nonchalant eyes as he grits, his fists clenched, ready to punch me.

"She tried to stab you... So I stopped her" She said, acting all concerned and scared while trembling her voice on purpose.

"No..." I spaced out.

No!" I panicked and profusely sweated.

I was so scared I can't even state my side properly. My knees trembled and lost strength, making me fall down and sit. "It was her..." I said, pleading that I'm saying the truth.

"I tried to stop her! She was about to stab you! Then- Ah!" Before I could finish talking, I screamed in pain when John had grabbed me forcefully by the hair. He lifts me up and pinned me to the wall.

"I'm telling the truth... Please!" I begged as my tears flow like pouring water out my eyes. "Please..." I literally begged him to listen to me. My voice trembled, cracked even.

But no matter what, he still beat me up. He punched my jaw, I felt dizzy and my head kinda aches. He threw me to the floor and stomped on my stomach repeatedly. I kept begging for him to stop as my tears flow down my face. My voice is kinda pitchy for trying to yell for him to stop. He grabbed my hair again, then he shoved my face back to the floor. "No one interrupts me when I'm tired!" He yelled as he stomps on the back of my head. I covered my head with my two hand while crying, I glanced at Rea, wondering what's happened to her now.

And so I realized...


'How pathetic...'

'Rea is grinning, trying to hold her laughter. I feel pathetic, I'm so pathetic...'

And I just realized it now. How could she smile there? How could she just look at me and mock me? How could she blame it all to me? How could she? How? Why? Why am I...

I gasped, fought back to John by shoving him away as he stood and I grabbed the knife. I ran to Rea with the knife pointing at her. I was so furious, I can feel my expression distort as I frown in anger and rage of her. Lucky for her, John managed to stop me before it could pierce her. The knife was no more than a second away from stabbing her chest; And I knew... That from her reaction, I definitely inflicted fear, such fear that it made her space out, staring only at me with cold sweat all over her face and neck.

This must be the first time someone had tried to kill her, how naive of her.

She fell on her knees, trembling from what just happened. With widened eyes and dull expression, she walks to the corner and crouched; as tears run down her face, she was weirdly humming something to herself.

'Why'd she do that? So weird.' I thought.

And on that point on, she has become even my slave, not just John's.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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