Chapter 1: Rude Awakening

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Aching. My head hurts. Why does it hurt? Why is it so dark? Why is it so cold? With these thoughts I eventually came to the realization that I had been asleep. Good, then that means what had happened was all a dream. I’ll just wake up and I’ll be in my bed.I’ll wake up in my apartment, mundane and normal as ever and then that will be it. Why would my life change?Life is peaceful. I want a peaceful life. Thinking about happy things, I slowly opened my eyes ready for everything to be just as it was.

My happy feelings shattered as my eyes opened up not to my bedroom, but a dark, gloomy room. The anxiety that rushed into me forced me to get up. Where am I? Why am I here? Is there anyone here? I had to check if I was still wearing the same clothes I was always wearing. I looked at what I was wearing and I could see that I was wearing a green coat with white a t-shirt under it. On my legs were some black jeans and on my feet a pair of tennis shoes. It seems  I was still wearing the same thing when I blacked out. It was enough to make me feel a little better and a little less violated but it didn’t change the fact that I had been kidnapped.The feelings of immediate loneliness caused me to instinctively look for someone. My instinct to look around made me realize that I was in some sort of padded cell. The space was enclosed and the door was shut. It gave off a horrible, claustrophobic feeling. I rushed to open the door. It would not budge an inch

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” I had to yell out to make me feel less isolated. What had happened while I was knocked out, Had I been kidnapped by some organization? I hoped dearly that it was just some sick prank but as time passed I realized that nothing happened. No one came, It seemed no one even reacted to my screams. I felt alone. Unwanted. Unneeded. I could only sit down and wait with these agonizing thoughts crossing through my mind.

You’re just another failure. Another person grasping for something you’ll never have. Why do you even try so hard? You’ll only fail again. You’ve seen it time and time again. People are disgusted by you, they don’t even know why they even talk to you. All you ever do is boast about your achievements. Whoever gave you a chance at being an ultimate, they were mistaken when they picked you. You’re just another brick in the wall grasping to be something more than a brick. You should know that exactly because you are an ultimate.
You should just die.


What was that? I turned my head to see that the door that had once been closed was now opening in front of me. Withe lightning speed, I scrambled to see if anyone was waiting behind it. When I ran, I was worried that there was still no one around. Maybe it opened on its own and no one will be waiting on the other side. Maybe when I look through that door, instead of being someone who I can talk to, it's my kidnappers. But I had to see for myself. I had waited too long to just do nothing. When I went through the door I was finally granted my long awaited wish. Through the door just on the opposite side, a girl was walking through a door. The rush I got from finally seeing another person pervaded all things so much that I immediately called out to her. 


Because I had called out so suddenly the girl appeared slightly frightened and confused by me. It was when I had got out of my daze that I finally got a chance to get a good look at her. The place was still pretty dark but I could still tell that she was a girl. Her… hem hem… figure kind of gave it away.  Gazing at her I realized she was still confused by me so I had to defuse the situation

“Shit, I’m sorry for scaring you, it's just felt like such a long time since I’ve seen another person.” The girl still seemed to be weary of me but she also appeared to have let her guard down a little. Not too long after the girl finally spoke.

“No need to worry, I also haven’t seen anyone for a long time.” So that's the case, it seems like I’m not the only one who was waiting in isolation. My gaze drifted to the room behind her, which appeared to be the same kind of room I was in. I decided to break the ice and introduce myself.

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