6 - elu

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Eliott has trouble eating

TW: mentions of struggling to eat (not necessarily an ED type thing just bad days that are harder then the rest type)


Eliott never really had this problem before

He'd just eat and be on his way

But lately it's been getting harder for him

He notices how Lucas would frown at him once he denied another meal or a snack but didn't push and pester him to do anything about it.

It was a nice change

Of course Lucas still tried to get him to eat, but he didn't yell at him whenever he declined and he didn't catch an attitude and storm out the apartment whenever Eliott was being "difficult".

He just passed him a small smile and muttered a 'maybe later'

It filled Eliott with a warm feeling

Knowing that Lucas was their to support him instead of pressuring to eat and taking his time with him whenever he wasn't in the mood for it and still leaving small snacks around the house just incase he changed his mind.

Lucas was so patient with him. He appreciated it so much. When he told Lucas he would be ordering some pizza for the both of them, he took pride on how Lucas turned to him a sent him a praising smile. He loved that Lucas just replied with 'Don't get that weird veggie one like last time' instead of bringing up his struggles like Lucille used to do.

'So your finally eating again?' Is what she'd say in a snarky attitude.

But slowly AND surely, with support from Lucas, (and the loving memory of Fifi), Eliott was back to eating a healthy amount each day. Even on his bad days Lucas would still sit down and have a little sandwich with him just to encourage him. God Lucas didn't know how amazing he was.

But Eliott was planning on showing him.

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