Chapter 3

47 3 63

(Mentions: gore, death and language)

❤️Please inform me if I missed any❤️

George wakes up with a slight head ache he sat up almost bumping his head on another bed on top of him.

He lets his eyes adjust on the brightness of his surroundings.

This can't be real I'm dreaming right? or am I dead and I'm hallucinating these?

George looks to his right seeing a man with a green suit and have a number tag reading '403'.

George would be lying if he said that man wasn't handsome. He had dark blonde curls, yellow eyes not like the other ones, his tan-ish skin, his dark eyebrows-

George was snapped out of his trance when the man started to speak.


"Hello" George answered back siting up straight and placing his feet down to the floor while remaining eye contact, George knew he was color blind and accepted it, but this is the only time he wished he wasn't so he could see the proper eye color of the man in front of him.

"Oh and yeah my name's Dream" letting out his right hand for George to shake.

"My name's George" George says meeting Dream's hand, and going back to the place where they were, George was trying to break eye contact and ignoring the fact that Dream was still looking at him with his pretty eyes. Meanwhile George was looking round the room in a way to distract him. He was shocked that it looked exactly like the squid game set in the movies.

"Nice to meet you George"

"Is this some sort of prank?" George asks straight to the point looking back at dream like he was annoyed.

"What do you mean?"

"Why am I here in a stupid squid game set you can't just kidnap me and make me play for a silly joke you all are pulling!!" George yells every one stopped talking and stared at him like he's out of his mind.

George looked at the people who was staring at him they all had green suits like Dream's.

He turned back to Dream with a shocked face trying to form a sentence but can't.


George yells making everyone's face turn more shocked if that's even possible.George hears Dream began to  talk but ignored it looking at the ceiling or down at the floor.

George feels a warm hand on his wrist tugging it lightly as if asking him to look at them, George knew it was dream but didn't have energy to look up at him because of the scene he created, he looked again around his surroundings and every one continued what they were doing, now no eyes were on him, just Dream's that he could feel  staring in to his skull.

"George. Look at me." He says in a low  but smoothing tone, George swore he melted then and there.

George gave in and looked at the man in front of him with furrowed eye brows with a look on his face almost like begging him to do or say anything.


"Are you new?"


"I. Said. Are. You. New" dream says allot louder and stopping in between each word making the brunet seem like a child who doesn't understand english.

"Yes? How am I supposed to answer that?"

"Oh so you haven't played before?"

"Like I said. No, I haven't I was just walking to work then a van came and asked me where my card is but I didn't know what they were saying.

George says truthfully hoping dream would help him get out of this place.

"Ah they probably mistaken you for some one" dream says laying back down to his bed and facing the opposite direction, making George cant see him.

"Well can't I just say that and let me free??"

"Sorry but you already saw all of our faces and can easily turn us in" Dream saying now turning to his left to face George.

"Please I need to go back home my sister needs me and shel be worried of I don't go back I promise I won't turn you all in and in fact I won't even remember all of your faces."

George says practically begging dream to do something, he can't help the fact worried for his sister.What if his dad hurts her no one's there to help and protect her and it would all be his fault.

"Well did you sign a contract?"

"What?" Tears threatening to fall down his face because of the idea of his sister being all alone.

Hahaha posted this early because of azaleqx 💚

Cliff hanger because why not🤭

Dnf smut??

I tried my best to add details....

Make sure to drink water;)

Idk when the next chapter will be because I haven't made on yet soooo mabey 2 days from now or 3?

(845 words)

Squid game //dnfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang