2012 Raph x Rise!Leo-like!Reader

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Being the partner of Raphael, was not easy.
And it was a surprise once you and Raph got together. The others thought you and Mikey would, but you never liked Mikey like that.

" Hey~ mi amore." You purred as Raph punched the bag. Once you didn't get the attention you wanted, you poked his cheek. " You their~ shorty?" Raph turned to you. " What." He grinned his teeth together. " I was thinking, me and you go on a romantic dinner? I know the best place in town!" You winked as you lean on your ōdachi sword. Raph went back to punching. You looked off to the side, and smirked. You knew just the way to get what you wanted.

" Hey Leo!" You said to the turtle. " Oh, hey (Your name)." Leo waved at you. With a wide smirk on your face, you asked Leo to train with you. Raph glared at Leo. Leo didn't seem to notice. " Oh sure, and we can us your portal powers!" He says, friendly. " Hey! I had enough of you stealing away MY partner!" Raph says, angrily, as he pokes Leo's chest with his finger. Leo backs up. " Hey, wow their, I'm not trying to steal-" " Just shut up!" Raph pickes you up, and heads to his room.

He lays you down. " You got my attention." He lays onto of you, and wraps his arms around you. You smuggled and nuzzled into his.

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