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Due to dream island being eradicated, the residents decided to move back to goiky. Over time, some more people moved in aswell due to growing popularity of the reality show filmed there. Many new lived here now, so Announcer created cabins for the residents to live in. Each cabin had 8 people inside.

Leafy was placed in a cabin with Balloony, Cloudy, Rocky, David, Robbotty, Woody and Nickle. She ended up becoming rather close with Balloony and Cloudy. As the days went on, they became practically inseparable. Of course, Leafy still thought about Firey from time to time, but she didn't miss him as much anymore. It was clear that he was just using her.

Firey, in the meantime, had been spying on Leafy for weeks. He was still mad about Dream island, and he WAS going to get his revenge... Was he? Did she actually buy i- of course she did. Who else would have the money to buy dream island other than Leafy?

He noticed that everyday, Leafy wrote in a small notebook about her interactions with people and if they liked her or not. It wasn't really a diary of sorts- more off an odd... hobby...  but she seemed to enjoy it, and it also gave firey an idea for his revenge...


That night, while Leafy was asleep, was the time firey used to strike. He had to act quickly and quietly if he wanted this to work. Grabbing the book off her desk, he snuck out of the window and began to imitate her handwriting on a brand new page...


"Hi guys!" Leafy said cheerfully that morning as she approached Cloudy and balloony. "How are you doi-"
"Don't talk to us." Cloudy said sternly, turning his back away from her, so that he didn't have to make eye contact.
"Don't act like YOU Don't know, Leafy." Balloony said angrily.

Leafy, still confused and hurt, walked back into her room and slumped down onto the floor before pulling out her phone. There, she saw what firey had posted. That couldn't be her- somebody must've imitated her handwriting! But that sounds stupid...

On the page, was a detailed description of her, "desire to kill balloony," in her writing. It was very convincing, but leafy knew she didn't write it... but how to explain that to the others?

Not knowing what to do, leafy finally let all her emotions collected throughout the years out. And she began to cry,

         Harder than ever before.


Over the course of the weeks, people became more and more mean to leafy. She was bullied profusely for something that she never did! It was unfair... what could she of done to deserve this..?

Not only that, but balloony had complained to announcer and asked him to move her, which was approved, so she now lived with Coiny, Needle, Pin, Eggy, Loser, Cake, Clock and firey.

None of them where happy about it... especially firey. But what could leafy do about it? What announcer says, goes.


Firey still didn't think her punishment was enough... and he had more to his plan yet...


Leafy sat, sobbing quietly in the corner of her room that night, when a note was slid under her door. She picked it up curiously.

"Meet me near the _____ woods at midnight tommorrow. I'm sorry about whoever lied about you, I'm not sure how they pulled it off but- I'm sure it wasn't you and I'd like to be friends.

-from a secret admirer."

Leafy Stared at it for a few moments hopefully before squinting suspiciously.

"No." She told herself. "It could be risky..."
"But I'm curious!" And that settled it... she was going.

Top 10 moments before disaster:

Leafy becoming more and more emo 😔

Also I love the fact that my story villains are starting to get death threats LMAO. /pos

Okay bye 😋


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