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((Wowza I'm actually updating this 🤯))

"Midnight? Why does it have to be at midnight?" Leafy groaned in annoyance, throwing the note into the air and flopping backwards onto her bed. "Not like I need sleep."

She sighed and turned over. It was the morning of the day she had been told to meet the, 'admirer,' on, but she didn't want to get up. No, she couldn't get up. She couldn't face the people who used to love her so dearly.

But she'd have to eventually.

She just didn't want to face, 'eventually.'

Wouldn't it be great if eventually never existed?



He waited, quietly. It was midnight, she should be here by now...

Maybe she hadn't bought it? He wasn't suprised, with all that had been happening. Either that, or she was too caught up in her sorrow to leave her bed- again.

"You know she's stood you up, right?"

Annoyance, was all he felt at her presence as he shook his head.
"Now is not the time. Leave me alone."

"Suit yourself."

He suddenly jerked his head upwards, noticing the leaf walking towards where he was stood. Perfect.

Leafy walked into the clearing, her breath visible in the icy air. Nobody was here, she should just go.

She turned to the side, preparing to walk away, when something grabbed at her head, pulling her back. In her panic, she attempted to kick the attacker away, but it proved useless. Turning her eyes to the side, she stared in shock.


"Wow, looks like you can see just fine."


"Hmm, no. I don't think I will. Besides, your eyes look just too pretty in the moonlight." He smiled. Grabbing something as he pulled his clenched fist along her face.

"Firey, please. You're scaring me."

"Oh? I am? Thats a shame."


"Firey, firey, FIREY! Do you say anything else?" The flame's eyes narrowed as he looked at leafy with nothing but pure hatred in his eyes. "No matter- i know how to make you say something else."


Leafy wanted to cry, to scream, to beg. Firey's presence was terrifying, she hated to admit. Who had once been a beloved friend of hers, had become a pained memory. It scared her how people could change so fast.. going to extreme lengths like this just for revenge.

Revenge for something she didn't do.

She looked to the side, as begging proved useless. It was a cold night, too cold for her liking.

Suddenly, firey opened his hand, a sharp pain erupted from leafy's face.

She screamed, she couldn't help it. Firey threw her down onto the ground, as she raised a shaky hand up to her right eye.

But she couldn't.

A knife had been lodged into it, blood trickled down onto her hand.

Leafy Stared. She was in shock. She was hurt, and she had no idea what to do. She didn't even move as she saw firey walk closer to her. Grabbing the left side of her face, only a little bit further than her eye.


more pain. The pain never seemed to stop, only multiply. Leafy screamed out in pain once again, her cries falling on deaf ears as firey reached for his knife. He slowly dragged it out of her eye, causing more screams from the leaf sat infront of him. Leafy's vision had been cut it half, as she could no longer see out of her right eye.

Firey smiled, raising his knife once again.


The knife was lodged deep into leafy's other eye. She could feel her consciousness slipping, barely able to tell what was going on.

"Hm, that should do." Firey smiled, stretching.

"You aren't done yet."


"You want to make sure she doesn't survive, don't you?"

"Well- i- I, yes.."

"Sew her eyes shut. Make sure she definitely cannot see. Make sure she doesn’t survive."

"Hmm... you know what, you're right! I should."

Firey smiled, grabbing a needle and some thread, he pulled the knife out of leafy's left eye, before beginning to sew it shut.

"Now for the other eye..."

Firey was about to reach for leafy's other eye, when he stopped.

He heard something..


"Nevermind- I don't have time.. ill have to dump her in the woods now!" Firey grabbed Leafy by the arms, pulling her into the woods. He dropped her onto an uncomfortable looking rock in the clearing, before running off.


"LEAFY? LEAFY? LEAFYYY- oh, hey firey!" Coiny smiled, seeing the short ball of energy he called himself, "rivals," with. "Have you seen leafy? Balloony felt like he was being unreasonable and wanted to talk about the.. 'incident' with her. I thought that she was in her room, but it turned out she wasn't.."


"firey, this is serious! You know what, you're no help. I'll go ask pin." Coiny scoffed, walking off.

Firey smiled satisfactorily, walking back to the cabins. Though, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched..

And he was.

"I am so sorry I had to do this to you sister... but don't worry, you'll have your revenge. This will all make sense soon enough." Evil leafy smiled to herself, quietly watching through the trees.

"Firey will pay for what he did to you."



also this isn't even the worst part yet, it gets much worse than this. This is tame compared to what I have planned for the rest of the book 😇

The trauma has started 😋😋😋

Total words: 963

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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