Meeting the Obelia Side of the Royal Family of Domino Bloodline

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"Mother? Did that man just say Princess Athanasia was his Mother?"

"Look at those girls they both look so much like the Princess, they even have jewel eyes!"

"Could Princess Athanasia be a mother to three of age children already?" "But how, do you think she used Dark Magic to make them or age them up?"

Whispers filled the throne room as the nobles gossip loud enough about them, the Royal Family members of Domino started to get annoyed at the pesty nobles. Oritel looked up at the man sitting apron a throne, knowing he was in charge of wherever they were an they just needed a moment to talk peacefully with him ... but that backfired on him when the man started calling HIS BABIES 'copies of that worthless brat'!

"What did you just call my daughters!?" growled Oritel as he stalk forward, judo flipping a guard trying to stop him "And what did you also call my MOTHER!?!?!" Daphne watch her father the whole time going from a wise ruler to a overprotective fool of the woman of the family before grabbing Bloom by the shoulders an start shaking her.

"See Bloom, I told you Dad was like this but did you listen noo you just said ..." the girl went ranting on about to her little sister, unknown to them a woman in a fancy dress and chocolate brown hair tied up in a bun made her way over to the pair. She wanted to confirm something with them ... about Princess Athanasia.

"Excuse me?" the two fairies looked up seeing a nervous middle age woman, who looked like a model in their minds, spoke in a nervous voice "May I ask what is is your relation with Princess Athanasia?"

"Princes? Grandma was a Princess?" Bloom looked at her older sister, who just shrugged her shoulder not knowing the answer. Daphne then thought back an heard no stories about their grandmother's childhood and origins, but didn't speak up about it as she looked at the woman saying in a regal voice, that everyone in the throne room heard "Pardon us and our Father, I am Crown Princess Daphne of Domino, and this is my little sister Princess Bloom. We are related to a Athanasia but she was our late grandmother on our father's side of the family."

"Princess of Domino then that man is ..." Lily asked turning towards the man who was still making his way towards the Emperor, meanwhile Claude's brain was now understanding one something ... something he dare not hope was true. Bloom finally spook to the woman who looked close to tears "That's our Dad, King Oritel of Domino and the only child to his parents, King Orion and Queen Athanasia!" 

Gasps filled the room, as outrages cries filled the room soon fallowed close behind. If it was true that the forgotten Princess had past away and not only had a grown son but two granddaughter, that meant one thing; the Lovely Princess Jennette could not have been poison by her sister!

Claude stood up from his throne order the magicians to do a DNA spell right that moment, as he glared at everyone his jewel eyes started to glow brightly. Bloom started into his eyes without a bit of fear but with a look of aww "WOW Dad look he got the same glowing eye ability like we do! OW, why did you cut my figure man? that hurt!"

The same happen to her sister and Dad, as the magicians started to chant and the next thing everyone saw was a glowing blue line with a golden glitter look, formed into a line that went from the scary looking man to their dad, but a faint line that wrapped around the fairies as well. 

Words formed over the head, Bloom and Daphne's said 'Great-granddaughters', Oriel's wrote 'Grandson' and finally over Claude's head it said 'Great-Grandfather/grandfather 100% accurate!'

Claude looked at the three before order someone named Felix to take them to his Palace, an lock them up inside of it. "So we're all prisoners again ... great, just great, just my freakin luck!" Bloom threw up her hands before walking over to the red head who the man pointed at.

"Come on fella, let's get this over with before my boyfriend somehow gets here an yells at me for getting kidnapped again!" Bloom said to the stunned man, who only nodded as he lead her out of the throne room.

Not soon after Daphne and Oritel followed on their own, leaving the throne room in a state of shook before one idiot asked their friend "Did the hot red head girl just say she got kidnapped before and HAS a boyfriend?"

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