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Happy Pill

Look at me, what do you see?
I strive for perfection
But it's not what I receive
So I take these pills that a friend gave to me.
They're called happy pills.
A perfect, thin, beautiful child they help me create.
They whisper to me.
"Let's start with one pound, then we'll see"
Once that is trough
It's not even close to enough.
So they say, "Let's push for two"
Those two pounds come and go
Yet I'm not please with what I see
So they whisper in my ear,
"Hey, let's shoot three"
Pound after pound I will shed
But I yearn for more.
So what's the harm they say.
What's the harm in taking 5 a day they say.
"Let's shoot for four pounds today"
Over time I get addicted
Four soon turns to eight
I just keep losing.
Eight turns to sixteen
I just want to be pretty
Oh no, it seems im getting sick.
But I won't stop here! My happy pills will keep me here!
I'm so scared of gaining just one gram.
By now I've lost 50 pounds.
But I want to double that.
I didn't notice I was getting deadly thin.
I'm the opposite of fat.
But I just don't see that.
So I say, " Just a few more pounds"
Not that much later on.
My happy pills has killed me.
As people come to my funeral.
They stand their crying.
My friend with the pills. Just stands there smirking.
Why didn't I see.
These was their plan all along

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