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Please read to the end before commenting. This is just an example and a short story but the point is at he end okay?

You're sitting at your desk you know it's time to go you have said that to your self a million times but you know that this time it's real. Your parents made you mad. Like school wasent bad enough today. You go to get the rope or the knife or the gun or whatever u chose because your that desperate to leave....instead of getting a pen and a paper you go get the video camera and a chair. You choose to go with the rope. You turn on the camera and stare right at that red light, you start to mumble out a few words "mom and dad I'm sorry I don't know why I'm sorry but I'm sorry please dont blame your selfs please I love you tell my siblings the same." You say goodbye to your best friend because you know you won't be there for them especially when they need you the most. What about your little brother or your little sister? what are they gonna do. You say goodbye to everyone you can think of even yourself. Your sorry for not being strong enough. your sorry for breaking down. The rope tied to your fan the other end around Your neck. In one hand you have the remote to turn off the camera and as so as u see that light go off, you go off.both feet are now of the chair is on the floor. Your parents are home now they call your name telling You they're home but something's wrong. You don't answer. You always answer. Your mom walk up to Your door thinking you're showering or sleeping. when she opens the door she screams at the top of her lungs. Your little sister hears her she comes up running to see what happened she yells "DADDY HELP!"she run up to you hitting your legs saying "wake up wake up please wake up!" but you don't answer. Your dead. Your gone there's no going back. Your dad walks into your room and stares.. he calls 911 and can barley get out the words.."My daughter commited suicide." when Your dad hangs up the phone he cries. Your dad never cries. Your little sister jumps into his arms crying harder then ever. she's to young to understand but she knows Your gone and Your never coming back. when the cops come they take your mom out of your room. they push your sister and father out of your room and now there sitting in to living room. the officers take your body off the ropes and put you on a carrier and cover you up. Your mom still looks out the window half of the day sometimes even the whole day. Your sister still hasn't gone back to school. Your dad had to go to work to pay for Your casket and for Your funnel. Your school is still devastated. You thought nobody cared but the truth is everybody cared. You gave up Your life because the person you liked only thought of you as a friend. You gave up your life because that one teacher was harder on you then anyone else in the class because she knew You were gonna go somewhere in life. You remember that girl who said no to being Your partner? yea she cuts every night cause she things it's her fault you died. Remember that boy who tripped you on accident but didn't say sorry? He goes to suicidal therapy because he thinks a smile could have saved your life.remember that teacher who taught you that day. She quit her job because she thinks she's not suitted to teach...

4 years have past Your sister now 15. she started a club dedicated to you, its called secrets. a club where everyone can speak freely and not be judged. and if they thought suicidal, they always had some one to talk to. that was Your problem, you didn't want to talk to anyone. all those things bottled up inside you.. a little fight could have set you off but all those thing inside you for years you just couldn't handle it. You were just to caught up in thinking no one cared but more people cared then you could ever imagine. Your family well never be the same .. "our girl is gone, a special girl a girl who thought no body cared when everybody cared" I promise you that, but you know what sucks? what sucks is that you realized that now,now that Your gone.. but I promise you everybody cared and they always will..

Guys.. I know at times it just feels like everything is crumbling down on you. Like the whole world has betrayed you. Please, stay strong, hole on, and talk to someone.. Because believe it or not, there will always, always. Be someone who cares..

I love you guys <3
- rosy out

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