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Is it a bad thing that i wish i was never born..?

Is it so much to ask to dissaper from this world for a while..?

Id like to vanish for a while, just to see if life was easier without me passing by..

Is it bad when you start to regreat everything..?

I feel trapped in the corner of the wall..

All the preasure..

All the blame...

The sadden of hearing your parents argue

Of whose right and whos not..

Its even sadder when your friend is over and you can both hear from the next room

Am i a nusiance for breaking down in front of them..?

Was i really do dumb to fall for the same lies amd promises of someone i knew would never complete..?

Why do i hide it..?

Maybe im afraid of breaking
Or maybe..

Im afraid of people finally seeing...

Im not the girl i live up to be..

Not the girl who wears a 'real' smile on her face

Not the grl who speaks and acts if shes not breaking inside..

If i showed how i reslly feel..

Would i be a nusiance:.?

Ill just keep on pretending..

Ive been doin it for a while now..

Sooner or later im bound to fool even myself..

Or maybe..

Sooner or later i might just gve up..

Just maybe...

Ill be fine again

Life With PandaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon