#49 Tag

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100 FACTS meme!

Tagged by Catfish XD

001. Real name → Samantha
002. Nickname → Rosy, Rose, Sammy, Sam, SammyKat.
003. Status → Single
004. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
005. Male or female → Female
006. Primary School → I've done that shizzle.
007. Middle School → Passed it.
008. Secondary School→ High school? Yup, just starting
009. Smart → no way XD
010. Hair colour → Black, or maybe just a dark dark dark dark brown XD
011. Long or short → medium
012. Loud or Quiet → Both
013. Sweats or Jeans → BOTHH. I cant't decide!
014. Phone or Camera → Phone
015. Health freak → HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no
016. Drink or Smoke? → None!
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yea
018. Eat or Drink → I can't live without both!
019. Piercings → I have on my ears. Wanna get one on my stomach XD
020. Tattoos - I want one. So bad.

023. First piercing → was a baby. Can't remember
024. First best friends → Emely, Erica, Stephanie
025. First award → Dance Award
026. First crush → Elementary school. XD
027. First pet → Fish
028. First big vacation → Disney World.
030. First big birthday - umm can't remember. All of them have been pretty big.
031. First crush was - XD he knows who he is and we shall not speak of it.

048. Current crush: hmm.. I got 2 at the moment. So.. Can't say ;D
049. Eating → Nothing.. I'm in bed/should be asleep.
050. Drinking → Nothing! //sobs
052. I'm about to → fall asleep. Fo real, ma shizzle nizzle dizzle
053. Listening to → Find the Pieces by TryHardNinja. Love it. Totally recommend yall listen to it.
054. Plans for today → My day is Almost over so..
055. Waiting for - My sweet 15 party which is this Saturday

058. Want kids? → Yes actually :)
059. Want to get married? → One day I hope to be married XD
060. Careers in mind - I want to be a veterinarian. But I'm also thinking of being a stylist because my cousin it's talking courses and it looks really interesting.

068. Lips or eyes → Eyes!
070. Shorter or taller? → IDC.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → I have no clue
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Don't really care.
074. Sensitive or loud → Both.
075. Hook-up or Relationship: umm whatever.
077. Trouble maker or hesitant → idk

080. Lost glasses/contacts → Heh, yas
081. Ran away from home → I tried once. Didn't work out
084. Broken someones heart → Yea
085. Been arrested → Yes //sobs
087. Cried when someone died → yes. Still do till this day.

089. Yourself → not really
090. Miracles → Yes
091. Love at first sight → sure
092. Heaven → Yea
093. Santa Claus → Used to

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now - Truthfully yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → No.
099. Do you believe in God → yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag →

Yea I know some are missing but I don't feel like finding them XD.

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