Good & Evil PT 2 💕

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TW: Death, blood

Andrea POV

Me and daddy while out in the really cold snow are trying to find a way into the beans home to save my bubba Aiden. Daddy is really scared but he's trying not to be because of me. I'm only 5.

As we finally find a hole everything goes dark. "Daddy why's it gone dark?" I say confused. He looks up and grabs me and hides me behind him. I was confused so I looked up and saw the bean from our old home.

I got scared and closed my eyes right and hid my face in my daddy's back. That bean is really scary. "I finally found you little shits, fucking stealing from my cabinets when you feel like it. Little. Fucking. Rats!" The scary man's voice roars through the sky like thunder as he stomps his foot attempting to crush us.

"Andrea run to that hole, now". "But daddy I don't want you to die" I say crying as I start back up. "Don't worry pumpkin I'll be right behind you". I listen and start running towards the hole.

"You fucking vermin! Let's see how small and easy to break you really are"! I watch from the safety of the hole as the giant screams and reaches for my dad. My dad stabs and slashes his pin in his hand creating a massive wound.

"Ahhhh! You little shit"! My dad starts running only for him to press his finger down on my dad just before he got to me and continuing to press harder as my dad screams. As the giant presses down even harder my dad looks at me and whispers "I love you pumpkin, tell your brother I love him too". Before he suddenly exploded and all that's left is a bloody mess.

I cry as some of the blood got on me. I didn't care I ran out to where my dad was and balled. "Daddy!" I hiccuped absolutely mortified. I look up at the monster as he smiles down at me looking evil. "Got any last word before you share the same fate as your lovely daddy!?" He shouts. I backpedal away as he reaches out for me screaming.

"GET AWAY FROM HER" I cover my ears and close my eyes tight as I hear the loud shouting. "I'm afraid that this isn't any of your business". "Well it looks like I just made it my business". I look up with tear filled eyes and see another bean standing in front of me. "Leave. Right now, otherwise I will call the police and charge you for murder".

"Oh please, they're vermin. They won't arrest me for murder". "The blood on your hands says otherwise. Now leave.". The monster runs off and the bean then turns around and looks down at me. I can't help but start crying and try to back up away from him.

He crouches down and reaches for me as I curl up into a ball. As I'm picked up I start trembling and crying out. "Please d-don't hurt m-me! I d-don't w-wanna die!". I hear him gasp and I look up.

"Of course I won't hurt you sweetheart. Let's get you inside where it's warm and safe" he says and brings me to his chest which was warm and I couldn't help but lean against it. He brings me inside and it's a lot warmer in here than outside.


James POV

I can't believe what's happening right now. One moment I was cooking tea for the family, next thing I know I'm saving a literal tiny girl from a man who killed who appeared to be her dad and was trying to kill her.

It's so hard for me to comprehend that I'm holding a tiny child right now. I see my wife in the kitchen keeping an eye on the food as I walk in and notices me. "James are you okay? What's in your hands dear?" She asks and I feel the child tremble in my hands.

I look down at her and stroke her back with my thumb. "It's okay sweetie, she isn't going to hurt you" I whisper and she looks up at Gloria who has a look of surprise on her face. "It that a child?"

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