Dolls PT 3 💕

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TW: Verbal abuse, abusive parent, child abuse, a lot of swearing, quite long (didn't intend for me it to be as long as it is)

Marcus POV

It was a boring day in December. My evil excuse for a stepmum woke me and my brother up screaming all the way from the kitchen "WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU LAZY BRATS!!" How could such an irritating screech not wake you up? Me and Jamie came out of our rooms coincidentally at the exact same time. I held an angry expression whilst my little brother had a sad and tired one.

Did that bitch really have to do that!? It's 7:30 am! What could she possibly want us up at this time for!? I stomped down the stairs to spike her walking into the kitchen. "Is there a reason your screeching like a seagull at 6. A. M!?" I said angrily not having her bullshit. She gave me one of her dirty glares. "Well look who finally decided to get out of bed! Go get ready and tell the brat to do the same. We're going to the Senti-Doll shop to buy some things for your cousin's doll".

"Why of course your majesty~ Would you also like it if I got you a glass slipper to try on?~" I said wanting to mess with this bitch. "Also don't call by brother a brat. You're the brattiest one here don't you think?" "Do. Not. Disrespect me young man! As long as you are under my roof you obey by my rules". I walk off and just before I leave the kitchen to go upstairs I say. "You mean my dad's roof, or Jamie's, dad's and my roof. We lived here before you. You don't help with paying any of the bills like I do. You just came along like a package deal!" I disappear upstairs as she screams profanities at me.

My outfit was simple. A white backgrounded Ashnikko shirt, navy blue ripped jeans, a grouchy green jacket and a pair of mahogany converses. I also wore a spider chocker with a matching ring and a pair of dangling earrings and a plain gem nose stud. With the time I had left I repainted my nails black and applied midnight blue eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara. Once I was done I went to check on my sweet little brother, Jamie.

He had picked out a light pink glittery shirt, a darker pink pair of trousers, a white cardigan and light brown boots. He looked so happy dressed like that. I've had so many wars with my so called stepmum just so I could guy those type clothes for him to wear. It bothers the hell out of her but she can't say or do anything about it because the last time she did Jamie got upset and told dad.

"Hey Jamie buddy! You ready to go? That woman is more impatient than anyone else I've ever seen.". "Yeah. I'm really. "Marcus? I know we're going to the doll shop to buy stuff for our cousin's doll. But do you feel bad for them? Sorry! You probably don't agree because everyone just sees them as these cool looking new toys!"

"No, no. I get what you mean James. It makes me a little bit uncomfortable too seeing them sold like objects and treated like nothing when clearly they are just like us but smaller. They can do all the things we can. I'm pretty sure they are human but they're being sold by the owners as toys. I'm not sure why they would do that but it's clearly making them fortunes and they probably won't stop".

Honestly the way they are treated in society is disgusting. The amount of guilt I feel for our cousin's doll. She looks horrified by her but can't say or do anything. I'm so glad that I have a brother that also thinks that the way they are treated is wrong. He's a good person. So sweet, kind and smart. I don't understand why it seems that Josephine hates him more than me and why kids bully him so much. Just because he likes things most boys don't doesn't mean he should be disrespected.

Me and Jamie head downstairs our stepmum is stomping her left foot impatiently, keys in hand in an expensive ass outfit. She wore a short red dress, black see through tights, a feathered purple jacket, red high heels, gold chain necklace, gold dangling earrings and a pair of purple expensive looking sunglasses despite it being winter.

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