Guppy 💕

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TW: Death, mention of vore, absolute cuteness

Melissa POV

It was a normal day, well as normal of a day you can have in the UK. The weather has been atrocious these past few weeks. Constant heavy rain making your clothes stick to your body, thunder clashing and the booming sound ringing in your ears and harsh winds strong enough to carry and average person. Not exactly safe but it's been happening everyday lately so it's whatever I guess.

Getting ready to go out I threw on some pink jeans, a black short sleeved top with a huge light pink heart outline, white denim jacket, black socks, burgundy converses. My makeup was simple, some  pastel blue eyeshadow, white winged eyeliner, natural brown mascara, white waterline under my dark brown eyes and some pastel pink lipgloss. I didn't bother with the full-face makeup routine. I also wore a white frilly scrunchie to tie my curly dark brown hair into a simple curly ponytail. I finally through on my mint green puffy raincoat which a huge hood and I was all set.

Normally I like rain. I don't like it when it's coming down on you like heavy rocks and make you feel like you've been trapped in a freezer. I also much prefer the sound of it. I had to go shopping for some milk, the closest shop being 10 minutes away, I don't have an umbrella and I don't own a car. The shop only had cardboard bags. It lasted 5 seconds. Now I've got a shriveled up and soaking bag and a jug of milk in my hands that I'll have to carry home by hand now.

I was 5 minutes away from home and was walking under a streetlight past a bench, hearing a sudden small sound. I looked on the ground, beside a puddle. A Guppy. Guppies were like merpeople from fairytales but absolutely tiny and sold as pets. They also had an acquired taste for meat and blood. So a Parana-human but their teeth aren't strong enough to cut through human skin other than a small nibbled teeth mark.

This Guppy was male. Looked really young, maybe 3 or 4. He was so tiny, smaller than the average Guppy. He was possibly 2 inches tall, maybe smaller. The poor thing was coughing furociously, Guppies can breathe out of water, but bright lights can give them painful headaches and sometimes feel nauseated. Which was evident from the poor thing wrapping it's small arms around it's stomach.

I knelt down beside the little guy. It was only then that he took notice of my presence. His eyes widened drastically, he whimpered white tears dripping from his indigo eyes. Their tears weren't clear like a human's. I quickly but carefully reached down and scooped him off of the floor, he was staring at me with large fearful eyes. He started sobbing as I brought him up to my face, hiding his face using his arms.

"It's alright little one, I won't hurt you. My goodness you are cold." Guppies were creatures that needed to stay warm and could potentially die from cold temperatures, they were fragile little things. The boy looked up at me, giving me a better look of him. He had tanned skin with magenta and pastel pink splotches on his skin that matches the colours of his tail, hooded indigo eyes, a small button nose, longish, messy dark chocolate brown hair, chubby cheeks with a slightly chubby body.

He was adorable. Small teary eyes the only thing on my mind. The droplets dripping off his little cheeks. Tears of milky white. "You poor thing." I said bringing my thumb close to him, only for him to whimper and nom on it, small pointy teeth sinking into my skin. Didn't hurt, just felt like an annoying object I'm leaning my thumb on with deep imprints in the skin, like the top of a pen lid.

It didn't hurt me but small fearful eyes fell back on me as the teeth was removed from my skin. I moved my thumb towards him again only for him to cower, backing into my fingers. "I-I'm s-sowy! I-I didn't mwean to! Pwease! D-don't hurt m-me!". The child begged me. I gently patted the top of his soft chocolatey locks as he began to break down in sobs.

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