5. unfortunate situations (TxS)

65 2 6

Scuba, although being a world renowned marine biologist known for his dedication for keeping the ocean wild life safe, has always had a guilty pleasure for sea food. He'd just been visiting his local restaurant for his favourite dish of warm turtle soup with a side of rice and extra meat when he noticed the supposed side was...Very familiar, and unimpressed.

A lil short one!! So sorry for the lack of updates, schools been whooping my ass 💘

Ship /|\ Scuba x Tiny

Type /|\ comedy

Warnings /|\ N/A

POV /|\ slight implications of cannibalism? It's intended to be humoured. Also swearing!!

Words /|\ 1172


Scuba stretched his arms before padding into the family seating area, how lucky he was. The thick smell of boiled crab and buttered lobster sat on his tongue as he gazed over - the place had been packed to the brim. It was a local place, just a 10 minute walk from him and his lovers apartment, so it was definitely a restaurant he found pleasure in coming to. The poorly decorated, large, unsectioned room always brought him a sort of nostalgic joy - white walls and slightly battered green chairs and lights that buzzed loud enough to be noticeable, it was incredible. To him, atleast.

He crammed himself between crowds of chattering people he didn't recognise before finally sitting down at a table for one - lovely! The table cloth almost slid off as he attempted to grab the slightly stained menu card. His mouth watered as he took a moment to look over the dishes, lobster macaroni, Oysters Rockefeller, Crab cakes, Cioppino, Shrimp and prawn, just a few he caught a glimpse of before he settled his eyes on the golden lettering that spelled out his favourite dish. Turtle soup with a side of rice. Oh, it did make him feel guilty, it really did, but he couldn't help it! His borderline obsessing with the dish started years ago, he just adored the taste against his tongue, no matter how much he tried to guilt trip himself into believing otherwise.

He shot a hand up to get the waiters attention, zoning out as it took a few minutes for a slightly jarred looking man to finally tend him.

" oh, hey Scuba. What ya cravin'? "

The greeting was casual, and the gruff voice made him recognise the friend he'd made in college. A smile pulled at his lips as he fiddled with the collar of his shirt,

" Turtle soup, please? "

He politely offered,

" again? Damn, some marine lover you are. You'll run our nets dry at this rate! "

They laughed, patting the brunette on the shoulder with a smirk,

" it'll be out in a few minutes, we actually just got some fresh about an hour ago. "

Scuba gave a friendly scoff, but almost felt bad as he watched the waiter leave his table, accidentally hitting a petite woman with his elbow on his way back to the kitchen. Hm. He kind of was a terrible person, right? Hell, his best friend - much more than that - was a turtle! He couldn't help but think of how Tiny would react to him and his strange addiction, probably not great. He could almost hear him whining about how cruel Scuba was purely in his head, it made him laugh softly as he looked up at the ceiling.

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