6. LL Headcanons!

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LL has no eyelids, like most geckos! He can't blink, and sleeps with his eyes wide open. Ropo crept into his room one night in an attempt to pull off a prank, but was definitely horrified to see LL blankly staring at him with a neutral expression. No words were exchanged, and Ropo ran off and refused to talk to him for days - little did he know, Ryan was actually asleep, he just rests a bit funny. Jack's tried to do a staring contest with him multiple times, he just doesn't understand hoe he's so damn good at it!

Ryan can change colours actively, but rarely uses it for camouflage. It functions much more as a mood ring than anything.

He's from Mexico originally, but travels a lot, so tends to end up just about anywhere it's plot convenient!! He's dark skinned and has 3c hair, and is very uptight about taking care of it!

He's from Mexico originally, but travels a lot, so tends to end up just about anywhere it's plot convenient!! He's dark skinned and has 3c hair, and is very uptight about taking care of it!

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^ visual of 3c hair, very similar to what I imagine Ryans is

He's on the autistic spectrum! Such a little guy fr (just like me fr) also happy autism awareness month people are aware of me now 🎊

Ryan has long, retractable fangs, but is otherwise toothless! He eats similar to a snake, its extremely disturbing. His bite is extremely venomous, it attacks the nervous system quickly and kills within 10-20 minutes of injection!

He has a hood similar to a cobra, yet its never up properly - its only flared when agitated

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