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Hello!! This isn't anything negative, don't worry lol, I just wanted to announce that I'm making something pretty damn big, so I wanted to double check if it would interest anyone lol..

This would take place during the dragonfire series done by Tiny Turtle, and would focus on Ropo and Tiny as a romantic pairing!

I know not a lotta ppl watched the series, so, for a run down, I'll be writing about the episodes where Ropo watched his beloved dragon companion die and so turned to the kingdoms supply of dragon eggs out of remorse. He broke the one true law there was - he stole a dragon egg, and was held up for trial and execution accordingly.

The twist I'd put on it is that Scott, being the kingdoms first heir and supposed future king, had been in a forbidden relationship with the foreign nationer for years at this point, yet was the one to set up and watch his execution via dragon fire. He went through with it unwillingly, but, he just couldn't stand to see the man he loved die at his own hands - so he grabbed his dragon and snatched Ropo out of the arena, causing public outburst. He never returned, and he doesn't truly regret leaving his luxurious life behind him, he was never interested in taking the throne he was groomed for.

Yet, his sly little brother definitely was. They were close, grew up together - but there was always a layer of resentment that Little Lizard being the cunning, ambitious and witted Prince he was, could never have the kingdoms rule due his clumsy brother born just a year before him.

BDJTJTJDYF this is poorly written and I'm not proof reading it but!! This is just a silly lil interest check in the ides cuz I plan to go all out with it..

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