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At first, I thought he was an Absolute Liar. So I began to laugh, "What? A pagan God? Those don't exist."

H got a dark Hurt looked "But I do.." He said Sadly. "Right. So your A God. A God that isn't my Savior. H just tell me your real name and I'll call this game over." I add. "I told you the Truth!" He toned up his voice a bit. "Hm..Ok..You have to prove it"

"What?" He frowned, "Prove it. Prove your A Greek God babe~" I lean over. "But you can't hurt me" I frown. "Fine Lady.." he rolls his eyes. He breathes, then he uses his power to bring out a shadow. "Huh?!" It freaked me out. "He steps into the Shadow and Travels from it to the other side of the Kitchen. Time seemed to slow down.


"Now do you believe me?"

I held on to my cross, "How do I know you aren't a demon?"

This seemed to hurt him more, "Maria..no..I promise..I''m not a demon.." he had a sincere look in his eyes, "Please.." He once again got a sad look as he slowly walked towards me. I backed off. As I backed off, I heard a noise in back of me, "Huh?" I turned And Saw Ettore who saw everything. "ah-" she cried then ran out of the house with her coat, "Ettore! No wait!" I followed her. Before I left through the door I looked over at H..Or Now Hades.. "We will talk about this.." I said to him as Tough as I could. And ran out into the cold Snow.

"Ettore! No wait!" I chased her down the End of The Block. She was crying. "Ettore Ettore!" She kept crying "ahh- Woah!" She fell on the ice, "Owie!" She cried, "No! You shouldn't have run out!" I got to her.

"You shouldn't have proposed to that Man!" She angrily Cried. Which stung me. "Why?! Why was There a Shadow By Zio H! Why did he say he Was Hades? I-" she began to snob, "I gave him a Bracelet! I trusted him! I trusted you!" This made me feel regret more than I ever felt before. Looking back at it. The way she looked in my eyes, she almost seemed like a little girl version of Niccolò...

"I Hate You!" She cries. That broke my heart. I remember the day she was a baby. Mom would take me to Ottie's house and everytime I wanted to hold her, she pushed me away. I tried to hold it in. I wasn't the immature teenager I was back then. I am wiser now..

"Ettore ..Don't say that..you know that you don't mean that in your heart...You are just scared" I tell her. She sniffs, "Then Go away. I don't want you or your Fiancé to be by me. I don't want you two..to get married.." she tells me and covers her knees in the snow. "You...You didn't want to meet Hades..didn't you?" I asked.

She looked over at me with Dark eyes. "I didn't..No..You are my Zia..He- He kept leaving you. I feel like he doesn't love you." She explains. I listen. "I ...I thought everyone was crazy..It was scary because I asked everyone about their memories of you..They didn't remember you..Neither did Zia LeLe...." she tells me. I was shocked. My mom Gema didn't remember having a daughter. The kid was only 7. "I don't think you should be around That man. Hades or not, something doesn't seem right.."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know..it's just..I feel like something bad might happen to you." She looks again at me with those eyes. It's just chilling to this day how Niccolò Inherent those eyes..They're from my side of the family.

I swallow, "Does anyone else know this?"

"I'm not sure. When I went to see Tullio and Carianna. They were in a Trance. Then I saw A Lady. A Lady That Had a blind fold on. She had the exact same colors of Their eyes. Then she disappeared. The other Began to panic and run upstairs. Crying.

"Then..they probably know. We have to go back"

"I don't" she sniffed, "I don't think I'm strong enough."

"....You are the strongest little girl I have ever met. But being strong doesn't mean you don't need help" I reach out my hand to hee. "Sometimes it means the complete opposite.."

She got a hopeful weak expression on her face. She reached out and said "Ow'"

"Easy! Easy.." I say As I help her up from the snow and Ice.

"We will get you Healed up...And, I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry for breaking your trust. Especially on christmas. I'll Tell Hades that he has to apologize. I know deep down he didn't want to come to the family reunion because he Himself doesn't have a good Family." I tell her, "I'll do whatever I can to earn you trust back. I promise. But for now please, I ask for this.."

She looked at me once. Her Olive skin glowing in the night snow, or maybe it seemed to appear that way.."None of this ever happened. No one can know anything about this. Promise me you'll keep this a secret"

"Why?.." she innocently asked. "If H is truly Hades the Greek God. That means he has enemies..and If he has Enemies.."

"Then those enemies Come for the people who know him.." she adds.

I nod. "Good job. See, simple as That. Keep Watch, Be Strong, and Be Pure..." I say.

"I feel like you're missing a big one.." she tells me. We kept walking. I nod, "Yea..And always Love.."

Ettore nods her Head. "And Always Love..I love you Maria."

I couldn't believe That was the confession I wanted from Hades the whole day... But instead I got it from my little cousin.

"I love you Too Ettore, Merry Christmas"

The Diary of Maria Di Angelo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora