"Iris, your sister is scary"-Hades

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[This Time It takes Place in the spring of the Year 1928. One year after Maria And Hades Got married. Hades seemed to be in a hurry. Underworld music plays. CHARON GETS CONFUSED]


My lord where are you going


I need to head out for a second. I need you to be in charge


Oh- ok why-

[Hades Already leaves. The scene cuts to him behind a bush. He Isn't in Italy but America.]



[The Bush Moves and It freaks Him out. Themis Is there]

THEMIS (grins)



Holy- you seriously need to stop doing that.


Oh but It was so funny watching you do the exact same thing when You stalked Persephone.

HADES (rolls his eyes)

Mhm. Yeah. I have a new Wife. Thought you caught on to that

THEMIS (grins starts to fade away a bit)


HADES (Peeks out from bushes again)

Whatever. I need to be focus


Why so?


I Heard That Arke Is Summoning some of her power around here. I'm suspecting the one plays she would be is definitely...There

THEMIS (looks)

....Hades that's a Fancy Restaurant. Well Ok,

How we going to go in?


No! Not that place (Points to the one besides it)

...That one

THEMIS (white eyes widen at the segregated broken Down diner)

... Oh my- What. So what's our plan?


I'm going- wait seriously. Ours?

THEMIS (smirks starts to come back)

We had some nice times together. Remember when Zeus Introduced me To you?

HADES (mutters)

Tch, yeah. I always knew you be a horrible Wife

THEMIS (frowns a bit)

I'm Sorry What-

HADES (facial Expression goes back to normal)

I'm going in but I should Probably Take My Roman Form


Why? I mean-


You're Insane If you think Arke Is easy to beat. I'm not going In like This.


Ok I'll come into my Roman Form too-


Yeah what- wait, you're helping?


I mean. Yeah. I thought that was obvious considering I was actually The One Who sensed Something in there.

The Diary of Maria Di Angelo Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora