Chapter 1

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(A/N: Okay, so this is kinda far in the future. I'll do my best to match character personalities but you know this is Wattpad so things will inevitably change. If you have any suggestions or creative criticism don't be afraid to leave a comment about it. I just ask that you remain respectful. And if you have any questions about this AU just ask. Enjoy.)

Rai sat on the edge of the stairs as she watched the ninja train. Well, most of them. Nya was off on a mission and Jay was in the bounty helping Pixal fix something.

When she was younger Nya and Jay were both around a lot. They passed off a lot of missions to the others for favors. But as Rai got older, they started to get back to doing what was still their job.

Rai understood they had to do it, but she hated it.


"So, why are you all here training?" Rai asked.

"Because Sensi Wu will chew us out if we don't. You're lucky your parents aren't making you be a ninja, thank me for that." Lloyd replied.

Rai rolled her eyes, "It's not like I even have powers."


When she was younger Rai would always try to figure out what her element was. It wasn't uncommon for the others to help to.

But Rai could never do anything, nothing happened.

Jay and Nya figured that maybe Rai would figure it out when she was older, or the elemental powers really had just skipped a generation. They quickly got fed up with the others trying to figure it out and after a few arguments, (nothing seriously bad, but still arguments), everyone stopped. They understood Lloyd's point of view and agreed that nothing should be pushed onto Rai.


"You'll figure it out eventually Rai."

"Maybe, maybe not."

Rai stood up and started walking over to the ladder leasing to the bounty's deck.

"I'm going to go help dad, make myself useful."

"Just don't blow it up."

"Oh, shut up Kai!" Rai yelled as she climbed the ladder.

Sure, Kai was her uncle, and technically so were the other ninja, but she almost always just used their names.

Jay was messing with some wires under what looked to be the control panel of a screen on the bounty. Pixal was nearby, periodically testing things to see if they had gotten it fixed.

"Need some help?" Rai asked as she picked up a cup and took a sip of water.

"Well, you could try." Jay said as he stood up and backed away from the exposed wires.

Rai put down the cup quickly, some water splashing on her hand without her noticing.

Jay walked over and snatched the cup before chugging what was left in it. It was originally his.

Rai crouched down and looked at the mess of wires. "So, what's wrong?"

"The screen isn't working; this usually displays a map of Ninjago. The running theory is one of the wires is dead or disconnected but we haven't found it." Pixal explained.

Rai grabbed the flashlight on the floor and shown it inside of the compartment full of wires.

"I'm shocked you two haven't figured it out. Especially you Pixal."

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