Chapter 4

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Rai continued to try to light up the lightbulb, but it wouldn't work, she threw a few out of anger at the wall.

"Why isn't it working?! It's not fair..."

"So, you are still trying to figure out if you have an elemental power, why don't you just give up? You should have by now."

Rai turned and stared in disbelief after hearing those words, "Wha-? Garmadon? What are you-... just leave me alone, like I care what you have to say.".

"What don't want to hear the truth? You know you don't have powers, give up already."

"Sorry, what was that? I can't hear you."

"Give up Rai, your powerless, and-"

Rai sootd up quickly and lifted the lightbulb as if ready to throw it at Garmadon, "You wanna call this powerless?!".

But before she could do anything, it blew, cutting her hand.

"What-?! Ow...."

"Huh... It worked. I didn't that that would."

Rai stared at him for a moment as she realized what he was actually trying to do, "I hate you so much".

"If I were you, I'd thank me."

"Who put you up to this-?"

Jay ran into the room, "I heard yelling are you alright?".

 "I'm fine dad."

"Seems Lloyd's idea worked; your daughter is the next elemental master of lightning. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to what I was doing so I can leave." Garmadon said as he walked out.

"Lloyd- I swear I'm never telling him anything ever again." Rai mumbled.

Jay lifts her hand to look at it, "Hey, did you hurt your hand?"

"I said I'm fine, I'll just go grab the first aid..."

"Rai, are you mad at us?"

"A little okay... I don't like when people say that stuff to me..."

"I'm sorry, Lloyd told me last second and we didn't have any other ideas."

"Did you not stop and think to maybe have faith in me, maybe think I could do it on my own?"

"I-... You're right. I'm sorry. But now we know what your element is, and we did save time."

"Yeah I guess, I wonder why this is so hard for me though... You'd figure with who I grew up around I'd have figured it out long ago!"

"Well now you can train and learn to use and control it, if you want."

"I'll think about it, cause if I try to really be a master of lightning I'll kind of feel obligated to be a ninja. Hey, could it be a part time thing?"

Jay laughed, "Part time ninja? Interesting."

"OH! I have to go tell everyone! You know the group chat with Oliver and the others, honestly, I should probably just call them."

Rai rushed out and to her room before the door slammed behind her.

"Is she okay? She isn't mad is she?" Nya asks as she walks up to Jay.

"Not anymore, she was a little irritated though.  She's just excited to tell her friends."

"Okay, I still don't think we should have let Garmadon do that..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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