Chapter 3

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Rai sat up quickly at the sound of a small gong being hit. What followed was the laughter of everyone in the room.

"Alright Rai, you slept in long enough let's go." Kai said, trying to hold in his laughter.

She laid back down and put the pillow over her head, "Go do your own training I'll join later.".

"It already is later, why do you think we used this?" Cole replied.

"Because you probably thought it would be funny..."

Rai sat up again and stumbled to get out of bed, still incredibly exhausted.

"You alright?" Jay asked.

"Yeah... just haven't been able to sleep a lot recently, probably nerves or something. Let's just get this over with."

"Come on cheer up! This is really important!" Jay said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, yeah dad. Whatever let's go.


Rai sat at a desk in the middle of the room with a box of lightbulbs in the corner of the desk. Most of them room had been cleared so Rai wouldn't have any distractions.

"Okay, so the point of this is try to get the lightbulb to light up."

"And how exactly am I supposed to do that?"

"Oh just... Well, I guess that is hard to explain... Just kind of try to focus on doing it. Try to find that energy inside of you and focus on it."

"Perfect explanation I definitely know what I'm doing."

Lloyd walked over at put his hand on her shoulder, "If it's meant to be you'll figure it out. Don't stress out over it. Just think about what you want to happen and focus on that thing."

"Okay... I guess I can try," Rai said as she picked up a lightbulb.

Lloyd walked over to where Jay was standing.

"Isn't that what I said?"

"Yeah, but I said it... Oh and why the desk?"

"Well, we don't know how long it's going to take for her to figure this out."

"And what's your plan if she doesn't cause there's nothing to figure out?" LLoyd asked.

"Then we just move on, and she decides what to do from there."

Kai joined the conversation, "Look at you two, being so mature for Rai. I never thought I'd see it.".

"You're surprised we're mature?"

"Hey! What does that mean?!"

"Will you three shut up?!" Rai yelled as she turned to stare at them.

"Sorry sweetie, we'll be quieter."

Rai turned back around, "You know I don't like when you call me that dad".

Rai held the lightbulb in her hands and stared at it. Okay... just focus on lighting the thing... But how am I supposed to even do that???

After a few minutes Rai sighed and put it down before standing up, "This is stupid".

"Hey, it's alright, why don't you take a spin at spinjitzu?" Jay asked with a smile.

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