Ch-3 Cursed Gear And Shinoa's Help

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After Mika let go of Cassandra,they all got their respective belongings from the car and then settled them in their rooms.Then,they had lunch and over lunch,they discussed what to do about when they had to leave.

Cassandra's POV*

"Hmmmm......we should really think of what to do about patrol and such.After all,who knows,this house could've been placed as a trap.Because it seems to be small and recently built.The furniture also seems to be very new.If we stay here,we would need to patrol 24/7 or else we might be attacked.Speaking from personal experience"I finished,and everyone was just staring for a second.Then Shinoa spoke up"Hey Cassidy,I can understand your concern,but there were no human presences in the area.We all have sent our demons out to check the area.But still,I agree with your concern.By the way,do you have Cursed Gear?"Everyone stared at her as tho she were crazy.They all had an of-course-she-doesn't-have-Cursed-Gear-Shinoa face on.But I proved them wrong,pulling out a small key that turned into a bow.(The bow looks like this)

(The bow looks like this)

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They were all confused,but then I explained."An old lady gave me this bow and said something about making a contract with the demon inside and something about it being called cursed gear."Shinoa aske"What's your demon's name?"I said"Its name is Sage."Shinoa and Narumi both spoke at once,"SAGE?!BUT NO ONE HAD BEEN ABLE TO CAPTURE THAT DEMON.HOW DO YOU HAVE ITS CURSED GEAR?"Then I said with a smile"I don't know.All I know that a old lady had her Cursed Gear,and that Sage is now like family to me.Like a older sister,to be specific."They all just stared at me in confusion before I finished my food and got up."I'm gonna be in my room."I spoke and went to my room.

I had no idea how to tell them about me being the vessel for Sage.I didn't even know if Sage was part of me or if she was someone who was put in me and sealed.Then I realised that Shinoa was one of the 2 Hiragii sisters who had been in the same situation as me.I decided to talk to her about this and ask her if she knew how to help me.Then Shinoa came in"Are you ok Cassidy?"I replied with"Yes i'm Fine but Shinoa I need a bit of help.You must be aware that you were born with a  demon in your body,correct?Well uhhh how do I say this but that thing about a old lady giving me my cursed gear was a lie.I was born with Sage in my body.The reason I didn't join Mika at the orphanage was because of her.I would often go on near rampages and have to douse myself with water,because she is afraid of it.So the reason I was missing for 11 years,was to be able to establish a good relationship with her and remind her who's in control.But still at times,I feel like I'm not using her abilities adequately and I desperately need help.Not only for her abilities,but on how to tell everyone"(ok look I know that shinoa's sister has filtered the demon out of her body but in this story lets just pretend that it never happened and that everyone knew about her demon and what it could do.I got the idea of shinoa still having her demon in her body from another fanfic,I don't remember which one but credits to the original author who had this idea.)Shinoa said,"Okayyyyy...I think Mika should know first tho.When I found out about my demon,the first people to know were my siblings.So its Mika and maybe Yoichi first?You seem to be very close with both."Me-"Ok then.Soo I should just say it directly right?"Shinoa-"Yes Cassidy.Now look Mitsuba is probs looking for me since we are sharing a room and since Mika and Yoichi are sharing a room its easier to go to their room and tell them."So thats what I did.I just went and told them.They were not surprised,but told me to be careful of the demon army,because if they found out it would cause chaos.So then afterwards I went back to my room,to find a very sleepy Yuu waiting for me.I asked,"Why have you not gone to sleep?Its late."He said,"I know its late,but Mika told me to help you fall asleep because you have trouble falling asleep because you often have nightmares for no reason at all."I said,"Look I appreciate the thought,but I don't really need it.I'm not even human nor vampire.I'm what Shinoa is.Half- demon."Shoot did I just tell him what I am?But why was it so easy with him?It seemed so natural....He said,"WAIT WHAT?YOU'RE ALSO HALF-DEMON?"Me-"Uhhhh just slipped out for no reason.Don't ask,it just felt so natural.I think I may get along with you after all.I don't usually trust people that easily so I'm kinda surprised I told you my secret Identity that my brother and my best friend found out just now.You definately feel trustworthy." Yuu-"Wow you seemed like a normal girl,but I guess not.Hey,since you told me a secret,lemme tell you one too.Have you heard about the seraph of the end project?"Me-"Who has not?I'm actually part seraph too."He said,"Me too...I didn't expect you to be part seraph really.I'm kinda shocked that you can handle the seraph gene and a powerful demon at the same time,but I guess Mika is the same....after all he is a seraph too,besides from being a vampire."Me-"WAIT WHAT?MIKA TOO?"Yuu-"Yeah...Ask him about it.

Timeskip to when they are sleeping(still Cassandra's POV)

I woke up in cold sweat,with a scream.That same nightmare of me killing my family...except this time my new friends were also being killed.I must've woken Yuu up with my scream,because I heard him saying from my side-"Hey Cass,you ok?Did you have a nightmare?Me-"Yeah...Hey,Yuu can I sleep beside you?I'm scared that if I sleep alone,It might come back..."He said in a worried tone,"Sure you can.Also please call me Yuu-chan like Mika does,I don't know why but it feels weird when you call me by the name everyone uses,after all you do look exactly like Mika,and when you call me that,I feel like Mika is the one that is calling me that because he's angry at me..."Me-"Ok sure."So I went and lay down next to him.To my surprise,he pulls me into his chest with his arms wrapped around my waist.It feels pretty warm...I think that I'm not gonna have another nightmare tonight...Thank you Yuu-chan.It feels wrong to call him that for some reason...but whatever.I drifted off to sleep happily.

Yuu's POV*

Did I actually just do that?Why am I cuddling a girl I just met?Is it because she's Mika's sister and since I consider Mika my brother,I consider her my sister?Or....Wait that is this warm feeling in my chest???God I have so many questions.

Third person POV*

Shinoa stomped into Yuu and Cassandra's room."Wake up sleepyheads-well well well what do we have here...A little couple?"

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