Ep 4: The Demon King

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The Moon and stars were shining overhead. Littering the night sky in a pepper of glittering light. The Moon itself was full and looming, brightening up the night. y/n was seen walking down the same cherry blossom covered pathway of the Kibutsuji Estate like he had more than a decade ago

In these 10 years alot has happened, Muzan's mother passed away from her illness, y/n had never seen the boy so upset before as he was always a somewhat positive child but after his mothers death he became cold and distant to others, anyone whose not y/n that is.

Speaking of Muzan, his condition has worsened, he was bed ridden. Muzan had plenty of caretakes, not just y/n but maids aswell. However Muzan despised them and berated them to the point of tears and resignation. This was continuous till the only one left to take care of Muzan was y/n.

y/n didn't exactly appreciate the way Muzan treated others since his mothers death but he could only chalk it up as Muzan grieving over his loss since everyone grieves differently. But that still doesn't excuse the fact Muzan drove off every maid in the house and only left him, his father and y/n.

y/n was bringing back food since the pantry had run out and needed to be refilled. y/n was gonna cook up Muzans favorite food, to see if that could ease his tension about his sickness. Muzan had turned 17 a few weeks ago and every year he seems to get more and more desperate and even more sour. Can you blame him, he's set to die at a young age of 20 and is doing everything in his power to find a way to stop it.

Before y/n left for the store, y/n saw in a doctor that claimed to have developed a cure for Muzans sickness, and y/n couldn't be happier as he was also pretty distraught about the speedy approach of Muzans demise. And so y/n pointed him off to Muzans room and left.

But now y/n had returned home when a foul stench assaulted his nose. It smelt... no.. REEKED of Iron, enough to make a man gag but y/n was quite used to the smell of blood however it wasnt the smell that worried him but what CAUSED the smell. So y/n, being the worried soul that he is and thinkin someones broken in, rushed into house with his katana in hand.

It was worse than he could have imagined, bodies litered the house, the father, the doctor and any maid left, however y/n couldnt find Muzan so he decided to go check Muzans room and there Muzan was. Standing infront of a window, looking out into the night sky. But something was off putting, Muzans nails were long and blue, y/n never recalled Muzan having his nails that long or painted. And the fact he was covered in blood from head to toe.

"muzan, are you... are you okay? what happened here?"

y/n entered the blood soaked room and slowly approached Muzan, who jumped and quickly spun around and swung his claws at the sudden voice.

y/n ducked under the claws and looked back at the wall to see it had almost completely been cleaved through. y/n couldnt speak, he was just that shocked by the strength displayed by the supposedly weak and fragile boy.


Muzan has approached y/n and grabbed him by the collar.

"I recieved extraordinary power but I can never step foot outside again... the thought made me so mad I lashed out... I- I killed them all y/n..."

By this point, Muzan had buried himself into y/n's chest and cried. y/n didnt exactly know if he should be mad or feel pity or both. On one hand, he killed his last remaining family and servants out of rage but is also cursed to never see the sun again.

"Muzan... you have to go... should anyone find you here. they'll kill you for what you've done..."

"NO! I- I can't leave you y/n! I love you too much to just run away and forget about you! Can't you come with me? please?"

".....No I'm sorry"

Muzan let go of y/n and looked at him, it was more of glare. y/n could hear the sound of teeth grinding.

"I get it... you're scared of me. Scared that i'll lash out and hurt you too."

"Muzan no- thats not what I meant!"

Muzan said nothing and swiped at y/n who only flicked his sword upwards and seperated Muzans arm from his body. Only to be shocked as it grew back almost instantly. Muzan grew angrier and kept a relentless assault of claws at y/n who could only keep up and cut off Muzans arms each time for it to only regenerate. y/n was cutting away before Muzan managed to deflect one of y/n's slices and grab him to toss him through the window and onto the ground.

y/n hit the ground with a loud thud, his kimono dirty with mud and blood. His sword now snapped in half as it broke from the impact and now an angry Muzan attempting to kill him so he could only think of one thing...


And so run he did, he ran off into the woods and Muzan decided to head off another direction as the sun was finally rising in the sky. y/n didnt exactly know where he was going but he had to get away from him. So many thoughts ran through y/n head but one stuck to him. What will become of him now. What will y/n do now since taking care of Muzan is out of the question. However his thoughts were cut short by the ground collapsing beneath him and him plummiting into a cold and brisk underground lake.

y/n could only think one thing as he sunk to the bottom, lacking the energy to swim.

'Muzan... forgive me for betraying your trust... May you forgive me in the afterlife."

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