Very Important Note

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I'm quite upset to inform you all that this book most likely will be discontinued. The reason being is that looking back on all of it, there's so many changes and improvements I could make to it that I may as well work on a better book. Now you may be asking

"Why don't you just edit this one?"

That's because it wouldn't be the same book as this was originally with the kamado male reader, and by changing it into something else entirely would seem disgraceful to the work I've put into as it is. I know i'm a very inconsistent writer and it must be annoying however I want to try and find something that can fit what I envision. The story i will be making in this stories stead will almost be the same in some regards but with some tweaks that make it more suitable for my idea.

Once again I apologize for cutting this book short and I simply ask you keep a lookout for a new book coming really soon.

Thank you for your support

P.S: I will work on and publish the chapter i've had in the works as a final parting gift. I have enough courtesy to not leave you empty handed.

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