Chapter 1: An unexpected meeting.

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A/n: I'm a rat in the walls, help me, no hablo ingles. (translation: I've barely left my room today because I was writing this and making the cover, someone save me. English sucks ass, if you see grammar errors, no you don't.)

It's another regular day at the Armed Detective Agency. There are no complicated murder cases, no need to stop a bomb from blowing up half of the city or having to save people from the Port Mafia. It was thankfully just regular paperwork and chatting. Atsushi has his head down on his desk and is looking out of the window, trying to mentally get away from all the loud talking and racket happening in the background. He usually enjoys the lively atmosphere that his colleagues created in the office but on this specific day, he cannot wait to finally go home and rest.

There is something so odd and tiresome about this day, he can't quite put his finger on it, but it all feels wrong. At some moments he gets a surge of a familiar impending doom feeling that is accompanied by a deep pit in his stomach which makes him feel like he's on a never-ending rollercoaster. But he doesn't mention it to anyone. In fact, he hasn't been mentioning anything to anyone today – he's too tired to have a decent conversation.

Rest is something Atsushi's struggling with lately. To most of his colleagues, Atsushi looks like he always does. Some even think he's holding up rather well despite everything that has happened in the last few months. Truth be told, these events have left him with problems that he can't solve, at least not on his own. But Atsushi keeps quiet, unsure it's alright to feel what he feels since no one else in the agency seems to be impacted by anything. He has been trying to convince himself that he is making it all up, that it was all because he isn't getting enough rest. And in some moments, it works just fine. He doesn't feel the need to cry anymore, he doesn't feel the need to annoy Kyouka and others with his endless rants and small complaints anymore. He just needs to survive and that's what he's doing.

It's been three months since Akutagawa swore that he would kill Atsushi and that he wouldn't hurt anyone during those three months. Atsushi knows that Akutagawa is a man of his word, as much as he hates to admit that. He is many things, but he isn't a liar. Atsushi is aware of that, but he is also aware, that this simple promise doesn't stop other members of the Port Mafia from harming the city and its citizens. If they are going to try to stop the organization that is currently the biggest threat in Yokohama, they are going to need more time and a bigger, more in-depth plan on how to do it. This promise is  just a countdown till another fight. Another battle, that could potentially harm many innocent people in the process. He hated that. He hates how cruel and ignorant these people can be. He despises seeing people get hurt or worse – killed for no good of a reason. In his eyes, it is pathetic and inhumane.

Atsushi feels a headache starting to brew, so he decides to put off the problem at hand for the time being. He slowly rises from his desk and is greeted by Kyouka's blue eyes meeting his own.

"What's up, Kyouka?" he asks as he shoots her a small smile. Kyouka places a cup of freshly brewed tea on Atsushi's desk and shoots a small smile back at him. Kyouka isn't one to talk a lot, her replies and questions are always precise and straightforward, and she rarely starts conversations first. She shows that she cares through her actions rather than words, which lately, Atsushi appreciates. Everywhere he goes, people are just a little bit too loud, a little bit too optimistic. Sometimes it feels like no one else is as worried as he about what the Port Mafia is planning next. He writes it off as him overreacting, being overdramatic. He just needs a small break and he'll be okay.

"Thank you, Kyouka! We can probably head home soon, so I'll finish this tea and we can head out." He announces to Kyouka and hears a sigh coming from behind him. It's Dazai. The one person he doesn't wish to talk to right now. Atsushi turns to face his co-worker with a slightly irritated look on his face. He has noticed Dazai acting weirdly in the past week and Atsushi knows that whatever he is up to, is not going to be fun. Maybe it will be fun for Dazai but not for the other members of the agency. Or maybe just not fun for Atsushi. Somehow Dazai always manages to do this thing, where he doesn't tell his plans to Atsushi. It seems like everyone knows what is going on except him and without a doubt, it
makes him anxious.

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