Chapter 4 - Enemy Line

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So sorry I left for 13 months. I'm just a girl, please forgive me. (I'm a chronic procrastinator so if you think "surely no one can put something off for over a year".... yes. yes they can. Also still very much a student. Sorri pookies.)

Atsushi had fallen asleep right there on the floor. It almost seemed like he felt comfortable everywhere but an actual bed. He had intended to go and take a shower last night, but the stress caused by the move and the tension between him and Akutagawa had left him too exhausted, so he chose to close his eyes instead and here he was, sleeping on the floor.

When he awoke it was already 12 PM. He noticed the emptiness around him. He was alone in the room, there was nothing in there besides plain furniture and his bags. He already missed waking up and seeing Kyouka setting their little dining table for a quick breakfast.

He didn't like how unfamiliar the room he was in felt. It felt so lonely and somehow Atsushi started wondering if Akutagawa had this apartment just to himself. Was it always this silent in this house? Did it not frighten Akutagawa - the screaming quietness that hungered for something far beyond Atsushi's understanding? Didn't it drive Akutagawa mad, or perhaps madder if that was even possible?

Atsushi got up and slowly walked up to the window in his vacant, temporary room. When he looked out, he saw the morning sky and the city slowly waking up. He proceeded to look down, closer to the apartment, and he suddenly saw a familiar figure crossing the street holding a grocery bag in hand. He wasn't wearing his sunglasses this time, yet he still seemed to be out of place. His black coat hung open to reveal a striped black and dark grey sweater as well as black pants.

"Broody as always..." Atsushi mumbled, referring to Akutagawa's choice of clothing and moved away from the window.

He approached the door that led back to the hallway and for a moment, he just stood there. He felt anxious, as if exiting this empty room would expose him somehow; strip him naked of all his carefully threaded layers and remind him of something he's sworn to forget but not quite forgive yet. His hand laid upon the door handle as if waiting for a signal, a sign of any sort, that it was alright to exit the room.

He could hear the front door opening and then closing. Silence. Ruffling of a bag. Silence. Slow steps. Silence.

"Are you awake, weretiger?" Akutagawa's voice filled the empty silence and Atsushi released a breath of relief. He finally clinched the door handle and opened the door, his gaze meeting Akutagawa's already annoyed eyes.

"Yes, I'm awake. I don't need a personal alarm that has a criminal record." Atsushi walked past Akutagawa, trying to act tougher than he was feeling this morning. He started heading to the bathroom before abruptly being stopped. Akutagawa grabbed Atsushi by the collar of his shirt and yanked him back, making Atsushi almost lose his balance.

"Hey!?" Atsushi exclaimed, his breath momentarily gone because of the fabric tightening around his neck, "What the hell are you doing?"

Looking at Akutagawa, he saw a slight wince of discomfort, reminding him that they are still connected.

"Do not think you can get off the hook that easily." Akutagawa quickly regained his usual stoic expression and let him go but made it clear that Atsushi wasn't going anywhere before the conversation was done.

"What are you talking about?"

"There are going to be rules if this is going to work out between us, got it? Just because you conveniently fell asleep yesterday doesn't mean you won't hear or obey those rules." Akutagawa continued, "First of all, you should know you're staying in my sister's room."

Atsushi recalled how the room smelled when he first entered it – sweet but not the kind of sweet that made you sick. More like summer and strawberry fields – a good kind of warmth and sweetness though not without a sense of something dangerous, like a storm after a hot, draining day.

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