Chapter 3

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The long day was now over, the bodies of the dead collected and either been sent to their families or readied for burial here on the Academy grounds. I knew I should be going to my room, that should be getting some rest, just because today is over doesn't mean my job is done. But I couldn't help myself, my feet took me there, my brain only realising where we were when I saw the familiar doors. The novice accommodation. I let myself inside, uninjured novices already back in their bunks, some sleeping, some waiting to see what was to come. I let myself into the girl dormitory, not caring if someone saw me. There were a few girls in their bunks most of them sleeping, only one lay awake. "Meredith" I whispered carful not to scare her. Her head shot up, she didn't say anything she just pointed at an empty bunk, the bed not made and some clothes scattered on top. "It was Roses" Meredith said before laying back down to try and get some sleep. Grateful, I walked to the bunk and picked up a sweatshirt that was on the foot of the bed, I lifted it to my face and I instantly felt like I was in the same room as Rose. I looked around he bunk and on the bedside table I found half a bottle of perfume, it was hers. It was missing her natural fragrance but it was close enough. I pocketed the perfume and carried the sweatshirt and left. As soon as I reached my room I was reminded of Rose, the way she looked around the room as if she was getting a glimpse inside my head. A small smile appeared on my face and in an effort to make the memory feel more real I brought roses sweatshirt to my nose again and closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax in the first time in 36 hours. I put Roses sweatshirt on my bed and her perfume in my bedside draw before stripping and getting in the shower. It was then I realised I had blood all over me, turning the water red. I washed until the water was clear again before getting out the shower and inspecting my clothes. If I had blood on me, my clothes must be the same. Even though the black guardian uniform does its best to hide it I could spot the blood of those I helped and the bodies I moved. I picked them up and put them in the bin, never wanting to wear them again. Stained with the blood of students and co-workers, it was an unwanted reminder of what had happened. I went to my wardrobe hoping my spare uniform was still there and it was. I would have to request a new one tomorrow but the spare will do just fine until then. I changed into some Pyjama bottoms but remained shirtless. I picked up Roses sweatshirt and pulled my bed sheets back before climbing and, putting Rose's sweatshirt on my pillow and allowing her scent to surround me, making me feel safer than I have in weeks.

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