Chapter 7

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I go to my office and find the Mazur guardians waiting for me in their light grey and navy blue Mazur uniforms. "I hope you don't mind Guardian Belikov, but we didn't know where to find new uniforms" The voice came from a dirty blond haired man who stepped forward ahead of the group, his hands behind his back. "No, no it's fine. That was actually by design, Guardian..?" I realise I don't know any of these men and surprisingly a woman's names. "Alexander Alekseev, sir" I chuckle a bit gaining the others attention. "You see I wanted you stay in your Mazur uniforms so that you standout on campus but also because we do not have any uniforms to spare at this time." They all nodded to show they understood. "Now before I assign you anywhere I would like to know your strengths and weaknesses so that we can build and utilise both." I gesture to the sofa in the corner of my office and the two chairs that sit infant of my desk, some take the available seats the others are left standing. I move to sit behind my desk and get out a notebook and a pen. "Lets start with you, Guardian Alekseev" I turn to look at him and open to a blank page and write down the things Rose told me before. "I have been told that I should have you teach a novice class or two" For a second I see a slight amount of shock cross his face before he gains control again. "If your are agreeable I will take the advise given and have you teach 2 classes a week to our senior novices as well as general duties" He nods and I continue. 

It took about an hour to get through everyone but once we are finished I know what I need too, and have given each guardian a duty well suited to their abilities and has the roster looking less stretched and surprisingly a lot stronger. Glancing at the clock on my desk I still have 15 minutes until all novices and guardians not on duty are to meet me at the cafeteria, I leave my office and walk the perimeter, the cool morning air surrounding me I look around and see some of the remaining damage from the attack but all the blood and bodies have been cleared away. The time passes quickly and I start walking towards the cafeteria. 

Walking through the cafeteria doors I have warm air thrusted on me and I instantly miss the cool breeze outside. As the Guardians and Novices notice my arrival the room beings to become almost focused, as if the conversations they were having before became unimportant. I make my way back to where I stood not long ago and wait for the remaining Guardians and Novices to arrive. "Good morning all" The last of the conversations end as my voice echos through the room. All their eyes are on me. "There's a few things I need to announce this morning but first allow me to introduce the unfamiliar faces you have all noticed this morning. Mr Mazur has heard of our troubles and have sent 10 of his personal guardians to help protect the school and get us back on our feet. It is thanks to them that the roster has changed and we now have shorter shifts." Novices and guardians alike look around the room and locate the Mazur guardians and give them a nod of the head of respect and thanks before turning back to me. "Next are our plans to highlight the dangers in the councils new plan to have the graduating age of novices reduced to 16. I have had many of you come and volunteer your very limited free time and I would like to thank you all for that." I pause as I continue looking around the room. I can see the anger in the senior novices faces, the guardians doing their best to shield their emotions. "I have made my decision on who will be in the videos and I will find you throughout the day." I'm met with silence. "I have decided to resume junior novice classes starting on Monday, I will ask that our top 5 senior novices help the Guardians teaching the classes along with Mazur Guardian Alexander Alekseev, who will then teach one of the senior novice classes in the future." Light scattered applause sounded before dying off quickly. "Thank you all for your attention. Eddie, Meredith and Mason if you could come to my office once you have finished your meals." With that I climbed off the table, picked up a tray of food and left the cafeteria which is now loud with conversation. I walk to my office and eat the breakfast I brought with me and waited for Eddie, Meredith and Mason to arrive.

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