Chapter 8

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The sun begins to rise and fight its way through my new curtains. I had asked Able to replace the blackout blinds a few days ago since the sunrise always reminds me training with denitrify at the academy. We haven't spoken since he got the phone but It's become an unspoken agreement that he would call me, rather than me calling him. I get out of bed and change into my workout gear. Despite the armed guardians surrounding the property I pick up Dimitri's stake, feeling safer with the cold metal against my skin, the light weight of it almost grounding me, reminding me of what I'm fighting for. The last thing I pick up is my phone, I never go anywhere without it, not wanting to risk missing a call from Dimitri. I walk down to the basement where the gym for Abes guardians is and dump my bag, stake and phone placed on top before taking in the scene before me. The gym is large enough to for at least two pieces of weights and other equipment. In the middle of the room is a ring for sparing which is where I spend most of my time down here. I don't spare often finding that I learn more by watching and observing the different fighting techniques the guardians were taught at their Academies. I walk towards the ring and watch the two guardians who seem to be in the middle of their spar. As I watched I could see that the guardian with dark brown hair currently has the upper hand. He's clearly physically stronger than his appointment who looks at least 10 years younger and so doesn't quite have the amount of muscle as the brown haired guardian. I watch the younger guardian seeing how he makes up for what he's lacking. I see the younger Guardian is more agile and is slightly quicker and uses that to his advantage by dodging. By doing this he's tiring his opponent out, slowly putting himself at the advantage. Eventually it's the younger guardian who comes out as the victor. Polite applause echos through the room by those who were watching as they both leave the ring. 

Once I finished in the gym I went upstairs to find Abe and have breakfast. I finally know my way around. I find Abe and Lissa in the main dining room eating their small amount of food for breakfast. "Morning Abe"I walk over to him and kiss his cheek before sitting next to Lissa and helping myself to the food set out on the table. "Have you heard from Dimitri recently?" Lissa asks as I finish piling food on my plate. I know what she's really asking, she asks it almost every day. "No I haven't. I'm sorry Lissa but as long as nothing has happened the Moroi are returning within the next few days. Im sure Dimitri will call if anything delays it. Christian will call soon" I reach over and grab her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. She looks at our joined hands and nods. I eat my food one handed until Lissa and Abe leave to feed. I finish my food alone, debating whether or not to have a second serving before deciding against it. With nothing else to do I decide to go for a run the surroundings of Abe's house, despite not knowing when or if I'll be going back to the academy or even if I'm going to graduate, I try my best to stay on top of the training exercises I was doing with Dimitri. 

I run back towards the house after 45 minutes, it was nearly time to meet with Abe. Not knowing what it could be about I decided it was best if I wasn't late. I run up to my room and have a quick shower and change into an off the shoulder white shirt and dark blue jeans. I go down stairs to find Abe's door already open which was a bit odd. I knock on the open door to get Abe's attention, "ah Rose, hope you had a good run" Abe turned around and gestured to a seat. "I did thank you" I take a seat and get comfortable. "Good. I have some news for you" I look Abe in the eyes. I knew he was investigating and doing research but I didn't think he would have found anything out yet. "In a few days time I am going to go to court and visit the queen." What? I thought this was good news. "Uhh ok?" We look at each other in silence. "Now the good news is that I have found out some new information on Tatiana" There we go "What was it?" I really hope it's something that will help Lissa, it has to be Abe said it was good news. "Well there's a chance she isn't who she says she is the only problem is going to be proving it." Abe leans back in his chair with a sigh. So proving it isn't going to be easy then. "If you can't prove it then how do you know?" Abe smiles at this, as if he was waiting for me to ask the question. "She is Tatiana Vogel but she isn't the Moroi she's pretending to be, I believe she's working with Strigoi" I search forward in my seat. Tatiana working with Strigoii? There's no way that could be true. "That's insane even for her. How can you possibly you know this?" "Iv'e been looking into everything that's happened since before yours and Lissa's accident. Everything has had Strigoi involved one way or another. The Strigoi could not have done it all alone. then I thought who got the most out of everything that's happened?" Abe looks at me expectantly "Tatiana..." Of course it all makes sense. The last of Lissa's family being killed at the Strigoi at St Judes, her brother being turned Strigoi. It all fits. "But why? Why would she work with Strigoi?" As much as it made sense I sill couldn't wrap my head around it. "I don't know but we have to find out." Proving this was going to be difficult because it was technically treason. "Wait as Queen wouldn't see have a constant  Guardian detail?" She must do as the monarch. The monarch gets more than any Moroi, a minimum of four at a time when outside the palace. "she does, she has to" Abe replies looking at me trying to figure out where I'm going with this. "So if she is working with the Strigoi she can't do it without them finding out unless she does it through another person. They would most likely be a guardian or at least Dhampir" As I explain my thought Abe starts to smile nodding his head before going in his desk draw. "Of course! You're absolutely right Rose. I'll find out who is part of the queens guard. Hopefully we can get some information from them." I wait for Abe to finish writing before speaking. "Maybe don't try and get information from them yet, we don't know who we can trust yet. When her plans with novices becomes public knowledge it will be safer. More Dhampir will be angry and less likely to be loyal to her" Abe nods and begins writing again. "That's another good point. I'll still find out who's part of the queens guard and get information about them" Agreeing with him he started up his computer and I left leaving him to his work. 


Uhhh hi? Sorry I know I said I was updating soon but things happened in my private life that I needed to process. Updates will continue to be slow but I'm still working on them. Also I'm thinking that most chapters might be from Dimitri's perspective just because at the moment those at the academy are doing more than Rose at the moment. Anyway I hope you're enjoying the story. EEKK ok bye! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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