Chapter 6

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Two days. It's been two days since Abe sent guardians to the academy to find Dimitri. The phone weighing heavy in my pocket waiting to be used. I continue to pace my room, not stopping since early this morning, he should have gotten the phone and my note by now, Pavel would not waste anytime. I sigh in frustration and fall backwards onto my four poster bed until a knock at my door sucks me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I ask at whoever is at my door, they open my door and walk into my room. I lift my head and find myself looking at Lissa "Have you heard from Dimitri?" She asks coming to sit next to me on my bed. I shake my head and shuffle up my bed until I'm leaning against the headboard. "I don't even know if Christian is still on campus, he may have been evacuated or his aunt took him home after the attack." Lissa is now sat next to me taking my hand in hers looking to the wall opposite of the bed. "If Dimitri calls I'll ask" I squeeze her hand and pull it into my lap holding my gaze on a picture across the room. "What do you mean if? Of course he's going to call you Rose" I sigh and look at Lissa to find her already looking at me with a fierce emotion blazing in her eyes "You don't know that Lissa, he might be busy with the academy or just not want to be in contact with me anymore" I know deep down that isn't true, not after basically telling each other that we love the other but its been nearly a week and he's always been loyal to system, always following orders. "You know that isn't true Rose! I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one is watching. I've seen the way the both of you just gravitate to each-other when your in the same room" I pull the phone out of my pocket with my unoccupied hand and set it in-front of us and just nod my head to what Lissa has said, blushing a little as I hadn't realised she had been watching us. 

We sat in silence waiting for one of our phones to ring for what seemed like hours but was really only 15 minutes when mine started to ring. Shock ran through me as I registered which phone was ringing. I look to Lissa who is wearing a smile and reaches for the phone and gives it to me before getting up to leave the room. "H-Hello?" Nerves rack my body as a wait for a response. "Roza?" I could recognise that voice anywhere and just broke. 


The guardians Pavel left looked towards me and came closer now that Pavel had left. "Guardian Belikov?" A man with sandy blonde hair asks shaking me out of the shock I found myself in. "Yes right if you'll follow me I will show you to the Guardian dorms." They glued themselves to opposite sides of the corridor, so that I could get in front of them. I showed them the main aspects of the academy on the way to the guardian dorms before leaving them to settle in with instructions to meet me in the morning. Once the last guardian, an older man with dark brown hair, closed the door to his room I was finally able to go back to my own. The entire walk there I was trying to think of what I wanted to say to Rose, if I should even call her tonight should I wait till morning?

"Belikov?" Pulled out of my thoughts I turned to find Eddie coming up behind me. I looked around the sun was starting to come up and the birds were starting to chirp. When did I come out here? Eddie quickly closed the distance between us, his mask of disinterest falling the closer he got to me, a face of worry quickly replaced it. "Castile" He takes a second to catch his breath before speaking again. "Who was the guardian?" I'm not surprised by the question, he's an intelligent man and probably already has the right idea about who Pavel was. "They were guardians sent on loan to the Academy, although the Guardian you are probably thinking of is already making his way back to his charge" I reply turning to walk towards the dorms again, Eddie close behind. "Sent by who? They weren't wearing court allocated uniforms" Eddie was trying his best to keep up with my strides, taking two quick step every time I take one. "We can't talk about it here" I lead Eddie to my room, knowing he wouldn't wait until I could organise a meeting with Mason and Meredith. We walk in silence until we finally get to my room, I open the door and let Eddie in who goes to sit in the chair opposite my bed. Closing and locking the door behind me, I sit next to Eddie and prepare for the questions I was sure he was going to ask but instead all he did was look at me expectantly. "Your right those guardians weren't sent by the queen or the board they were sent by a man named Abe Mazur." I pause in case he wants to as a question but he stays quiet. "Abe heard about the attack and sent guardians to help boost the protection of the Academy" I pause again and this time Eddie does ask a question and I knew it was coming. "Ok that great but who is Abe and why would he send his guardians to the Academy? St Judes was attacked not that long ago and I'm sure he didn't send any to them and they were worse off I think" He was right of course, I was sure Abe did want to help but more importantly his sending guardians gave him a way to get in contact, a way to get those phones to me. "Your right, I'm sure he didn't and I'm not entirely sure he was originally was going to send those guardians but something made him do it. Someone." I couldn't look at Eddie as I told him what thought but I forced myself to look and him when I continued "I believe that Abe is Rose's father Eddie. She is safe" I was going to tell him about the phones I was given but decided against it last minute. I knew he would want to talk to Rose but selfishly I wanted to be the first. I watched Eddies emotions change as the information sunk in. First confusion, then wonder before he finally settled on happy relief. "She's safe?" I nodded a smile making its way to my face. She's safe. 

Eddie left once I told him everything I was told by Pavel and I could tell he was relieved. He agreed to not say anything to Mason or Meredith except that I have new information  and we need to meet again soon. I looked to the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was still early, early enough for me to call Rose and not have to rush because of my shift. I change out of my uniform and get back into bed before putting all three phones in front of me. I picked up the two phones with Abe and Lissa's name on and put them under some paperwork in my bedside table before taking the one with roses name and turning it on. I went into the contacts and sure enough the only name and number was Rose's. Clicking on it I changed the name to 'Roza' before dialling the number and hoping she picks up. "H-hello?" I couldn't believe it, I thought I would never get to hear her voice again "Roza?" I ask through the phone, I knew it was her and I wanted to make sure she knew it was me. She doesn't speak instead I hear her start crying and knowing that I couldn't physically confront her felt as if I was being stabbed in the chest. "Oh Rose" I say and she starts crying harder if that was possible. "Shh Roza why are your crying sweetheart?" I don't get a reply although it sounds like she's trying to. "Rose, Roza take a deep breath for me" I hear a staggered breath "Good again" Another breath a little smoother. It takes another three deep breathes until all I can hear are little sniffles "Comrade?" It's the first thing she's managed to get out but it fills me with warmth and makes my heart skip a beat "Im here Roza, everything's going to be ok" She takes another deep breath "Did you get my note?" I let out a chuckle "I did, I miss you too Roza." She laughs a little "You were right about Pavel, he gave me a brief rundown on who he was and what he was doing there before handing me the package and note and leaving" She laughs again and I swear everything was right in the world if. could just keep hearing that laugh. "Sounds the Pavel, when Abe told him he had to go with the guardians he was sending the academy his face went red with effort to not talk back and risk his job" The sniffling has stopped by now and she's starting to sound happy again. "what happened after you left Rose?" I finally asked. "Lissa and I drove for hours. We didn't stop until it was starting to get dark and I knew we wouldn't be safe on the road and we needed a break, we needed sleep. Anyway I told her to pull over at the town so we could use a pay phone, which confused her but she did it none the less. Thats when I called Abe. My father" I listened and she told her story and was relieved when my hunch about who Abe was too Rose was right. He might not be the most trust worthy man to most people but he would die protecting his family, especially his daughter. She. told me everything, where she was and about Abe who is apparently spoiling her. "Do you have a shift soon?" She asks after a while, I look over at my clock and groan. "In an hour, I need to get ready" She giggles and I feel lighter again "Hey before you go is Christian on Campus still?" I sit up and stretch before answering, knowing my answer probably isn't the one she wants "No, all Moroi have either been sent to court or gone home with their parents. It's just novices and Guardians here right now, which is actually working well" I decide to risk it and put the phone on speaker so I can make my bed while I listen to Rose "Ok, will you make sure he gets his phone when he comes back, Lissa really misses him" "I will Rose, I promise but I do have to go now. I still need to shower and gather those guardians your father sent" I can hear her sigh out of disappointment "Ok comrade but there's one guardian I think will be a good help to you and I think you should maybe even have him tach a novice class or two. His name is Aleksandr Alekseev." I laugh a little at Rose trying to say the guardians name "I know I suck at saying it but its Russian Comrade and come on his first and last name are basically the same" She sounds a little frustrated which makes me laugh more. "Ok I'll find him after my shower, but really do have to go. I love you Roza" her breath hitches and I know why, this is the first time I said I loved her and not just implied it "I love you too Comrade" 



I know I haven't been uploading this very often and I'm sorry about that but I'm still trying to figure out theories and how to answer the cliffhangers and questions the show left us on. For example, Meredith does anyone have any theories about what she was hiding? Any way I hope your enjoying this and its giving you some closure.

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