Chapter 1 - Raindrops of Resilience

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"You know, Aubrie, I've noticed your grades dropping. This is your last year in school. Shouldn't you try to improve so you can apply to college? You know, for your future," said my advisor. I nodded, feeling a bit down. So, having straight 'A's isn't smart, I guess. Oh well, I can't wait to get home. A sigh escaped from me when I thought of 'home.' Do I even have a home? Well, we have a house—a mansion, actually—but 'someone' to call it home? Unfortunately, I don't have that.

"Just leave now; I don't want to waste my time on you. Be thankful your mother is a shareholder, or else I would have persuaded the head to expel you," he said. I left their office but realized I left my bag, so I went back to get it.

"Yes, Mrs. Miller, your daughter has been an excellent student. But lately, I think she's been distracted by something. I suggest you ask what's bothering her. I'm worried about her," my teacher said on the phone.

"Aubrie is not even that smart; if it weren't for her mom, then I would've forced the head to expel her." the teacher said after the call. I silently opened the door and made my way to grab my bag.  He got startled by the sudden sound, was shocked to see me, and just let out a small cough. I exited the facility room and walked.

A sigh was heard from me when droplets of water fell from the sky, making me cringe because of how cliché things are happening in my life.

"I just can't wait to die." I thought to myself, walking in the rain. Mom didn't even give me a car because she said it wasn't necessary. Yeah, my mom is rich, but the way she treats me makes me feel miserable. Sometimes it makes me sick when I hear her enter our house with a man in the middle of the night.

My dad was a famous businessman, and my mom was just attending university. They met when Mom was having a blast at a bar. Dad saw how my mom was getting attention from random guys.

Dad confessed he wasn't my real dad when I was 13 but loved me like I'm his real daughter. When I was 15, Dad told me he would leave me half of his ownership in his company once I turned 18. So, he told me to sign a contract. A couple of months, and I'll be getting that share.

The morning came, and it was the usual routine. Going to school, teachers embarrassing me, eating lunch alone, and staying away from crowds. That day was our last day of the semester. So, I was quite excited to end this day and spend the Christmas holidays. Don't worry; I have a couple of friends, Lucas and Julianne. They are at a different university, but we hang out sometimes. I don't socialize that much. I hate attention. I'm not a nerd. I'm just reserved.

"So, anyone up for a sleepover?" I smiled as I read the message. I'm okay with it because it's Friday. So, I chatted with him that I'm in. Lucas is face-timing, and he told me Julianne is having a hard time picking what food to order.

I told my mom that I was having a sleepover at Lucas'. She paused for a minute and made a call. As I wait, I notice that mom is drinking wine, making me hum. I heard her clear her throat and look at me, then she told me that someone was going to pick me up.

Then, while we were waiting, she opened up about the call she had from my teacher the other day, making me frown.

"Look, we both know we have issues with each other, but hearing that from a stupid teacher who only knows how to call me and ask for favors makes my head boil," she added. This is the first time we had a normal conversation, and it made me a little bit happy.

I nodded and stood up, then went to the door. She spoke first.

"Don't worry; that man is fired now," she said. I acknowledged our maid with a nod and proceeded to leave our estate.

"Go now; have fun," she said. This is the first time we had a normal conversation, and it made me a little bit happy. As I made my way outside, I noticed Lucas sitting in their vehicle, sporting a smirk on his face.

"Wow, you got another new car? Even though your family owns, like, five cars already?" I asked, unamused, as I went inside the car.

"Why do you have to ask that when you already know my family owns a car company?" He said, still grinning. I saw his dad in the driver's seat.

"Oh, good evening, uncle." I said, leaning on my back.

"Good evening, dear. Are you two ready?" he asked as he looked in the mirror, smiling. Lucas excitedly said that we're ready, but his dad mustn't have heard him.

"Yes, uncle, we're all set," I just said, making Uncle turn around to my side. He smiled and started the engine. Lucas was talking throughout the ride as I listened to him while smiling. From time to time, I noticed his father glancing at me. I smiled when our eyes met, and then he smiled back at me.

"I don't get why our parents were rivals back then, but it all changed when we became friends," Lucas said, looking at the streets.

"Well, your father wouldn't allow my dad to buy your dad's car dealership; well, that's what my dad said," I answered and went quiet after mentioning my dad.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he said, making me look at him.

"You don't want Jul to see that frown; you know how she worries," he said, making me sigh. He was right; if Julianne saw one of us frowning, she immediately got worried, even about small things. That's how she cared.

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