Chapter 5 - Run away

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"Are we there yet?" Luc's voice echoed through the dense forest, making Juli roll her eyes again.

"Can you please be quiet for, like, 10 minutes?" Juli groaned. Lucas gave her a puppy-dog look, pouting like she was his last hope.

"Oh, come here," she sighed, and Lucas happily went beside her, wrapping his arm around Juli's shoulder. I giggled at the cute scene, feeling Noah's eyes on me.

"Hey, what's up?" Noah asked, catching my attention.

"Juli and Lucas, they look so cute together," I said, stealing another glance at the couple. Noah smiled.

"By the way, are we almost there?" I asked, and Noah's smile got wider. As we walked, the sound of water reached our ears.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked Noah as I quickened my pace.

We soon found a waterfall, and I excitedly told Juli and Lucas. Lucas led Juli over to where Noah and I were. Noah took my bag, and we watched as Juli teared up looking at the waterfall.

I was about to join her when Lucas took her hand, kissed it, and wiped away her tears, saying something that made her smile. Despite Lucas' usual goofiness, he showed a caring side.

"What are you looking at? Are your friends okay?" Noah asked, looking in their direction.

"Lucas is trying to make Julianne happy," I explained, turning to look at him. His warm smile reassured me.

"Do you and your friends want to spend the night here?" Noah asked, letting us know he found a spot for the tent. I was about to ask the others when Juli surprised Lucas with a kiss. Noah and I were shocked, but Juli looked happy.

"The place is amazing," she said, admiring the waterfall. "Let's stay here forever!" she shouted, raising her arms and twirling like a fairytale princess. Lucas joined her, and they danced, creating a magical scene.

"You've been smiling for a while; your friends want to stay here, right?" Noah said, setting up a makeshift table.

"Oh, and while you were admiring your friends, I got things for tonight," he continued. We chatted, and Noah shared his dream of being a traveler. He had never camped before, but he was excited to explore the forest.

"Your dad was a doctor?" I asked, curious.

"Well, he still is," Noah replied, setting up the tent and arranging logs for a bonfire.

"Aubrie!" Lucas called, interrupting our conversation.

"Juli has to go to the bathroom. It's number two!" Lucas yelled, earning a light slap from Juli. She laughed and pushed him toward me.

"Kidding!" Lucas said, tapping Juli's back playfully. "Oh, um, I don't know where exactly the bathroom is here," I admitted.

"A bathroom, you say? I know one," Noah said, taking a break on a log.

"Julianne has to go. Can you lead her the way?" I asked. Noah smiled, giving me a thumbs up before guiding Juli away.

Once they were out of sight, I sat alone, feeling a sense of peace. The sound of water provided a soothing backdrop. I took a deep breath, allowing nature's tranquility to wash over me.

Despite the lack of cell service, I welcomed the disconnection from the world. It was a refreshing break from constant notifications. I focused on the beauty of nature and appreciated life's simplicity. Noah had ventured into the woods again, leaving me alone with the chattering lovebirds.


He handed me a glass of juice, but it had an odd taste. Perhaps his juice-making skills needed improvement. Oh well.

Suddenly, someone called out to me. I turned and saw Juli approaching with a smile.

"It's been five days since I last saw you. Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

She shook her head, explaining she hadn't gotten a good sleep.

"Sit with me," I suggested, patting the space beside me. She agreed, and we sat together, feeling the peace of the forest.

"Aubrie Miller, are you flirting with me?" she teased. I laughed as she sat on my lap.

"This feels nice," she admitted, leaning against my back. I asked if something was bothering her.

"I love you," she blurted out. I smiled mischievously.

"Julianne Davis, are you flirting with me?" She playfully hit my arms, making me laugh.

"I feel the same way about you," I said. She rested her head on my chest, sighing contentedly.

"One day, Aubrie, you'll be free. When that time comes, I hope you'll forgive me and Luc," she said. I was bewildered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. She touched my cheek and grinned.

"Just keep in mind how fortunate we were to cross paths with you. I've cherished every moment we've shared up until now." She smiled once more and went to their tent, leaving me baffled by what had just happened.

The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the campsite. I found myself lost in thought, contemplating the mysteries Juli had alluded to. As the campfire crackled to life, I couldn't shake the feeling that something transformative awaited us in this serene wilderness.

Noah returned from his exploration with a bundle of firewood in his arms. He caught my pensive expression and offered a reassuring smile.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, dropping the wood near the fire pit.

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the mix of emotions stirring within me. "Juli mentioned something about freedom, forgiveness, and cherishing the moments we've shared. It's like there's a secret story unfolding."

Noah's eyes held a thoughtful gleam as he sat beside me. "People carry hidden stories, chapters they reveal only when they feel the time is right. Maybe this journey is uncovering those chapters for all of us."

The campfire's warm glow flickered in Noah's eyes, casting shadows that danced with the flames. In that moment, I felt a sense of kinship and understanding, as if we were all pieces in a larger, intricate puzzle.

As the night settled in, the stars emerged, painting the sky with their celestial brilliance. The crackling campfire, the distant murmur of the waterfall, and the laughter from Juli and Lucas created a symphony of serenity. We gathered around the fire, sharing stories, dreams, and snippets of our lives.

Noah, with his passion for exploration, spun tales of faraway lands, igniting a wanderlust within us. Lucas, always the entertainer, had us in stitches with his comedic anecdotes. Juli, in her quieter moments, revealed the depth of her soul through anecdotes that carried the weight of unspoken emotions.

Under the vast expanse of the starlit sky, our campsite became a haven of shared dreams and whispered confessions. It was a night where bonds deepened, and the forest seemed to embrace us in its ancient, comforting arms.

As the flames of the campfire danced in the cool night air, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this journey held. The winding paths of the forest beckoned, promising more revelations and a chance for each of us to uncover the chapters of our own untold stories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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