Chapter 15 ~ Somewhat Saved

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"DANIEL!" Evie shouted in her mind.

Daniel than fell backwards. Everyone then looked over at him and was asking him what was wrong. He ignored them. "Evie? Evie! I totally forgot? Are you okay!?

"Not really, but I'm surviving. You have got to keep Emma hidden. All my dad wants is her powers all of a sudden. I think he realized his weakend power and now he is hungry for more." Evie sat up on her bed.

Daniel then told everyone what he was doing. The council wasn't thrilled, but at the moment it was their only chance.

Evie realized the forcefeild could only block out the casting of spells; the telepathy spell was already in place.

"Where are you?" Daniel shouts in his mind.

"My old room in my home." Evie looked around the door had a lock spell on it, and anything within the force field could not cast spells.

"Be careful Daniel, he is dangerous....." I say. "And if you care about Emma's safety, keep her far away from him....."

Daniel didn't answer.


Hours passed as I sat. I grabbed a book, but failed to actually read it. It's kinda hard to sit down and read when your life is spinning so fast around you, and you can't do anything about it.

I heard wood crashing. All of a sudden I start to hear shouts and footsteps. Some got closer to the door. I stood to my feet, as I saw the force field fade. The door unlocked and opened. Jax my older brother stood in the doorway.

I ran to him. I almost wanted to cry from everything that happened. We embraced.

"Your okay now....... But we have to get out of here, dad isn't here." Jax looked into my eyes.

"So he just left me here.... He probably wasn't gonna come back either....." I walk away from Jax hearing more footsteps downstairs.

"Evie I know how horrible all this is, but we are all in danger. We have to go." Jax grabbed my arm and I cringed at the pain. My father pushed me into the room I landed right on my arms in the EXACT spot he grabbed. The slightest touch.

"I'm sorry!" He states letting go.

"No, no it's fine. I'm fine. Let's go....."

We head downstairs I was greeted with hugs and questions it all was a blur really. All the "Are you okays." And the "Evie why didn't you tell...." So on and so forth. Everyone was there Panthers, Diego, Mandi, Emma, she shouldn't be here, The council, and Daniel.

"Evie...." Camden hugged me. I honestly didn't really care if people were looking. Everyone gave me hugs, I hugged back a little harder this time even though it hurt.

I was so weak. I tried casting spells at my father, but he must have stolen back his knowledge of spells from Daniel, because for the longest of time we haven't heard any spell ideas from Daniel. I must have casted to many.

"Are you alright?" He questions pulling away. He probably could sense the weakness through my body. I tried napping in my room. Power exhaustion can't be helped through rest, only power rest.

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine." I force a smile.

Jax coughed dramatically. I turned around. Jax was giving me that look. The look of confusion/anger/you better keep the ____ away from my sister to Camden. You can fill in the blank :).

Camden whispered to me "I can tell your powers are...."

"I'm fine..." I whispered back harshly. Darn you Camden all your medical knowledge stuff. To bad your cute or I would be really telling you to be quiet. I can't have anyone know my powers need to restore fully.

"Okay what now?" Emma said aloud.

There we loads of Murmurs of different ideas till a shout from Jax calmed the chaos.

"We will need a locator spell. All the power we have will be needed so once we find out where he is we will attack in the morning. Non-magical beings, you will have stun-dart guns on the mission." Jax states loudly over everyone.

AN: Trying to keep it PG people sorry.

"Here I'll cast the locator Spell." Desdemona states twirling her sparkling finger in the air.

A big magical almost holographic map popped up in the air.

"It looks like he is somewhere in southern California....." Agamemnon states over dramatically as always.

"Lets zoom in..." Daniel states.

The map zooms in to show the city names. A red dot was flashing next to the city Anaheim.

"Is he at Disney Land or something?" Daniel asked laughing at his own joke.

"No. Maybe that's just were his headquarters is....." Mandi shyly states looking at Jax.

We let the map zoom in some more till we saw the buildings. It looked like he was in Disney Land.

"Maybe Daniel's right. He took a trip to Disney Land, but why do that Disney World back home is so much better...." Jax states.

Then came Murmurs of "I know right." and "Yeah...."

"No can't you see." I walk up to the map. I touch it with my fingers to turn it to street view. "He is not in Disney Land...."

I look back at the croud to confused looks. It even hurt to put my arm up.

"He's under it......" I state as the crowds eyed widen.

AN: I KNOW ITS SHORT I'M SORRY!! It's just been to crazy long without a part.

This story has moved pretty fast and I know that's not that good. I don't want to draaaagggg it out either.

Okay so here is what I really need to say. I'm going to finish this book pretty soon. It's gonna get even crazier don't worry ;)

Every Witch Way is ending. That's so depressing to say OMG. I know. And it will forever be in my heart. Once the show is over, I won't be writing any more EWW fan fiction. UNLESS this story gets enough love to make a sequel but that's in a while.

Here is the fun part. Comment some of your fandoms your in. Any of them from 1D to Peppa Pig. Idek.

Can you keep a secret 😏

I don't know if you guys like Shawn Mendes or not. If you do I have good news. I have a fanfic in the works...... If you liked my writing and all that jazz you should read it. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE SHAWN MENDES, idk if that's possible. But you should read it anyways. It should be out by the time this book finishes.

Okay that's enough love you all Vote Comment Add to your reading lists all that good stuff. Do you like season. 4 so far. I do!!!

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