Chapter 8~ Jax Who?

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"What do you mean you can hear Evie?" Jax states sitting back up. This boy just keeps going up and down. That is not good for his head.

Daniel looks around frantically "I don't know she is just talking to me through my head!"

"Daniel calm down!" Evie talks into the darkness to Daniel.

Daniel steps away. He starts to pace. Talking inside his head to himself, not knowing Evie can hear him. "Hey I can hear you..."

"Stop!!" Daniel shouts aloud continuing to pace back and forth.

"Danny calm down." Emma wheeled over to hold his hand. After she caught it he calmed down, still breathing heavily. Then he sat down.

"Sorry for scaring you Danny." Evie sent the message to Daniel.

"This hurts my head." Daniel massages his temples while Jax and Emma stare at him.

"Mate, are you talking to her?" Jax says adjusting his bed upward.

"Yes, it's weird." Daniel rubs his hands across his jeans.

"Not that weird."

"Don't do that!" Daniel talks into thin air. It looked very strange to Emma and Jax. Evie keeps catching him off guard.

"Daniel you might not want anyone to know you can do that." Emma puts her hand on top of Daniel's.

"Why?" Daniel looks into Emma's deep brown eyes.

"The council might not approve." Jax looks at Daniel, than Evie.

"He is right..." Evie stated.

"Great." Daniel sarcastically stated looking at Evie.

The nurse entered the room "Daniel and Emma we have to take you back." The nurse had dark hair and skin. Her hair was pulled into a bun. She carried a clip board. Everyone here carried clip boards. There probably was no reason only about fifty witches and wizards were staying there. They probably think it makes them look more "official".

Daniel stood from his chair. He grabbed the handles on Emma's wheelchair.

"No need sweetheart." The nurse cast a spell on the wheel chair, making it move.

"Bye Jax and Evie." Emma looked back. Daniel waved.

"Bye Danny." Evie teased.

"Bye Evie." Daniel said with lackluster in his mind to Evie in the hall.

The hall was long and the walls were painted blue. It was four turns till they got to their room.

When they opened the door they helped Emma into her bed. Daniel sat on his bed starring at Emma.

"What?" Emma blushed.

"I'm just looking at you." Daniel smiled.

"Why?" Emma pulled the covers over her face. She giggled.

"Because your beautiful..." Daniel walked over to her bed and pulled back the covers from her face. He kissed her forehead.

"DANIEL!?!" Evie screamed into Danny's head making him flinch.

"What?!" Daniel said back.

"Daniel is that Evie?" Emma tried to sit up.

"Something is happening to Jax I hear all these doctors talking and I'm scared!" Evie was very worried.

"Calm down everything will be okay." Daniel reassures her.

"Danny what's happening?" Emma keeps failing at trying to sit up. Dragging her legs everywhere was just carrying extra weight around.

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