Chapter 4 ~ The Plan

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"Where did they say on the note they want to see us?" Emma questioned as they walked through the hall after school.

"They said classroom 45B, right around this corner." Jax points to his right.

"Is the council scary?" Daniel asks nervously.

"Only if you have done something wrong. Which you haven't, so your good." Emma states. Daniel than exhales loudly.

"Here." Evie says flattening her skirt.

They open the door to the classroom. There was the witches council; Agamemnon, Desdemona, Ramona, and even Nurse Lilly. The room looks like all the other classrooms except the council sat across a large gray table. Four chairs were on the side by the door.

"Have a seat you four." Desdemona presents the seats with her left hand.

All four sat down without a word.

"After the Fool Moon we have found to forgive you Jax for almost destroying the Realm, but than again you were under the influence of your father. We know how influential he is." Agamemnon states staring down Jax.

"Daniel you saved Emma from being killed multiple times throughout the Last Light." Desdemona says.

"Emma, your the chosen one and you've really proved yourself. We are all very proud of you." Ramona smiles and Emma smiles back.

"Evie, we know what happened to your twin. We are doing everything we can to find her, but we do not know what your father did to her." Lilly assured Evie.

"You all know why your here correct?" Agamemnon questions.

"No." Everyone says simultaneously.

"You don't well than we must explain." Agamemnon looks over at the other council members.

"Jax and Evie we all know how influential your father is, but according to past events we are gonna need to..." Lilly was cut off by Evie.

"To what!?" Evie rest her elbows on table.

"To send him away for a long time." Desdemona states.

"What are you gonna do send him to Limbo?" Jax laugh-talked that.

"How do you know about... never mind your Jax." Agamemnon rubs his temples.

"Where's Limbo?" Daniel asks.

"Nowhere!" The council answers simultaneously. Daniel raises am eyebrow, but he knew it wasn't his business.

"No we need your input. We need to eliminate the treat of your father." Desdemona twiddled her thumbs.

"Why don't we just take away his powers he obviously deserved it." Lilly asked.

"He is so powerful it would take at least 3 or 4 wizards or witches to drain it. They would also have to say goodbye to thier powers for a few days also. To much work."

"Your dad also enjoys using human lab rats. Such as your sister. He could drain all your powers and combine them. Then capture all of you and do who knows what to you?" Desdemona placed her hands in her lap.

"I have an idea." Jax states.

"Go ahead!" Agamemnon motions to him.

"We bait my dad here. I'll give him a plan to help him capture Emma. Instead of punishing me he would help him with this." Jax sits up straighter. "I would implant the plan that Emma would do anything to help Daniel. So then I bring over Daniel to my dad, he captures him than Emma brings Evie to "save him." then we have 3 witches and 1 wizard."

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