9.Finally Home

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Muzan's Pov:
After I was done dealing with my fake annoying family, I went home to my little Tanjiro. I couldn't wait to see him, but I'm not sure if he's awake or not I mean he did faint but it's fine.

Tanjiro's Pov:
Where the hell is Muzan it's been hours since I woke up and he still isn't here.Im also pretty hungry I should probably get something to eat but first I should probably put some clothes on.I hear the bedroom door open and what do you know it's Muzan.He looked happy..... Almost as if he killed someone or most likely turned someone into a demon. "Did you kill someone or turn someone into a demon?" I questioned Muzan

Muzan's Pov:
"No I didn't kill or turn someone into a demon, why are you asking?" I said. "Well you look really happy" Said Tanjiro "It's because I get to see you after a long boring day with my fake family, and I can't wait to do things with you if you know what I mean ;)

Tanjiro's Pov:
"Well before that I'm hungry so go get me some food, then we'll do what you want got that?"

Muzan's Pov:
Yes Sir,I won't let you down

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while now that both of my sports are over I have more time to post

Enemy's to lovers (Alpha x Omega) (Muzan x Tanjiro)Where stories live. Discover now