when the meet 😱😱😂😂🤯🤯🔥🔥

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Furcorn pov: I was just going around on plant island as I usually did and then some bitch ass portal appeared like 5 feet in front of me. "Mammot get ur Bigfoot looking ass over here wtf is this 😱😱" I yelled.  "Dumbass use ur eyes it's a portal" he replied. "I CAN SEE THAT." Me said. "Stick ur goofy arm in there I kinda wanna go thru it but I gotta know if it's safe" "okay armless bitch" mammot response. "Yeah I think it's aight bye bitch I won't miss u‼️‼️🤯🤯" "Yoinks, Toodleoo Mammot!" I replied. And then the world was spinning all around and I was like "wtf" and then plop. I'm in some stanky ass bus.

Benatar pov: I was just doing some weird British shit while making a song for my friends and this green snot fart ball flys out from nowhere. "Ello mate, what's your name?" I asked. "Furcorn." It Said we looked at eachother awkwardly and then started blushing. Just then Axel walks in. "Benatar wtf is that." He looked concern. "Its my new friend innit!" I replied, smiling. "BITCH THAT AINT YO FRIEND THAT THING SCARES ME 😨" Axel said. "Shut up Axel you don't know anything! He's not mean... 🥺🥺" I said. "Okay but if that thing murders you in ur sleep don't come crying to me" Axel said and then walk off.

Furcorn pov: "who tf was that" I asked the stupid British boy. "Also we ain't friends" "Well mate that was Axel and he's emo. Also I'm Benatar and we should be friends 🥺" he told me. "okay well can I sleep here 2nite I don't got nowhere to go" I requested. "Sure sleep with me in my bunk mate! 😸" Benatar replied. I thought that was really gay but I didn't care. I was just glad I wasnt sleeping in a trash can. Yippee.

Gay Furries (Benatar x Furcorn)Where stories live. Discover now