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Benatar pov: Oh my god. Am I in heaven? THAT WAS THE MOST AMAZING, WONDERFUL, AWESOME, HOT, HEAVENLY SEX I HAVE EVER HAD. Well, maybe because it was one of the only times I got laid, But I knew I couldn't sit on my ass afterwards, so I took Furcorn by his grippers and helped him get settled in. We took a shower together, I cleaned the bedsheets, (which were originally a dark blue, now a light blue) and we ate leftovers from McDonalds. While eating, Axel came in. He looked pretty fucking drunk. "Oi Axel, Are you alrighty mate?" I asked. "Hofigcgixgix" he replied. Typical Axel 🥰 Anyways, Axel was throwing up in the bathroom, And me and Furcorn decided to actually go to sleep. But before, he told me something. "Benatar, thank you." "Your welcome Furcorn!" I replied, but he was already asleep. Then a few minutes later i went to sleep too.

Axel pov: i stepped out the bathroom after vomiting so much it could fill a goddamn pool. And I saw benatar and Furcorn cuddling. Horny gay fucks.

Gay Furries (Benatar x Furcorn)Where stories live. Discover now