Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Dumbledore's office

[James's POV]

I heard my name being called and I stood up. To my suprise, everyone, save the Slytherins, was clapping. I was confused. What just happened?

"And, the Head Girl," Dumbledore says. OH! I am Head Boy! Oh Joy! Oh Joy! I am starting to sound like Sirius, I think, and my conscience shuts up. Dumbledore continues, "Is..." Pause for dramatic effect, good job Dumbledore, youre getting a sense of humour, "LILY EVANS!"

This is going to be so much fun! I looked at Lily and grinned, and she just glared at me. Why is she mad? Oh yeah, there is just one problem with this arrangement. Evans hates me. Loathes me even. This year, I swear that is going to change.

{After the feast}

I walked, well was pulled, by none other than Evans herself, down the halls of Hogwarts, up the stairs, and weaved through children, all the way to Dumbledore's office. The whole five to ten minutes, Evans had a pissed-off scowl on her face. She was so mad, i swear if looks could kill, I would have dropped dead a long, long time ago. But if looks could make one fall for another, She would be perfectly content with my arms around her, a smile constantly plastered to her angelic face. I decided against commenting, and against running away from her. Honestly, although I would never admit this aloud, Evans was scaring me.

We arrived at Dumbledore's office, and Evans opened the passage with a whisper of "Lemon Drops." Dumbledore and his muggle candy. The man was going insane, I swear. He might be crazy, but Dumbledore is the smartest man, not counting Remus, I have ever met.

Evans pulls me up the stairway up to Dumbledore's office, anger pouring off of her in waves. I fought the urge to piss my pants. She is scary when she is mad. Have you ever been around an angry witch? If not, you don't want to be.

We walk into the Headmaster's office, and as I expected, Dumbledore wasn't there.

"Headmaster Dumbledore!" Evans yells, so loudly, I fear my ears have been broken.

"Yes, Miss Evans?" Dumbledore says, appearing behind us.

I jumped.

"I cannot possibly work with Potter. How is he even Head Boy? He has no more brains than a Quaffle! Potter has been a troublemaker since first year! Setting things on fire, blowing up the pumpkins on Haloween, letting bats run loose in the halls, charming books to attack students, et cetera. You see why I think he is unsuitable for the position of Head Boy?" Evans spews. Is that really what she thinks of me? She thinks I'm a daft troublemaker that is good for nothing but quidditch? Is that really how I come off to people? I'll be sure to ask Moony.

"Miss Evans, Mister Potter is as dedicated to his education as you are. You are so quick to judge what you don't understand. You have deemed Mister Potter here, as a daft Quidditch player. Mister Potter is Quidditch Captain, and he excelled in his OWLS  in all feilds. Just like you Lily. You see, you are not so different, and if you two were to spend some time together, then maybe you could become friends. That is why, you, and Mister Potter are Head Boy and Girl. Because I feel, that over time, you and James will work very well together." Dumbledore says, dismissing the subject.

[Lily's POV]

After talking with Dumbledore for a while, I left, leaving Potter to fend for himself. I ran down the hallway, not even towards the dorms. I ran toward the Room of Requirement. When I ran into Remus.

"Ohmywizardgod! Im so sorry Remus! I just didn't see you!" I apologise quickly.

"It's fine, Lily. How was your summer?" Remus asks, dusting himself off.

"Good, my parents and I went to the Theatre." I reply, then add, "Your summer?"

"It was OK... I stayed at James's house a couple of nights." Remus says, running his hand through his hair.

"Remus, have you told them about your attraction to Sirius?" I ask. You see, Remus has been feeling things towards Sirius that don't have anything to do with Sirius being one of his best mates. What I am trying to say is, Remus might be gay. He has a crush on Sirius. He has ever since the end of last year, when Sirius saved him from being discovered in his weakened state. Yes, I know Remus is a werewolf. There is not much you can hide from the brightest witch of my age.


A/N: So, Do you like it so far? I have to explain something about this book, my bestfriend, UnleashingHorrors, is a big Wolfstar fan, and she helps me with the story line. Although she did yell at me for making James Head Boy, and my Prefect System. But those play into the storyline, I promice. Ok, so:

Prongs= James Potter
Moony= Remus Lupin
Padfoot= Sirius Black
Wormtail= Peter Pettigrew
Snivellus= Severus Snape

James is in love with Lily Evans, which he just so happens to be paired with for Head Boy and Head Girl. Lily wants nothing to do with him, she, in fact, loathes him, despises him. Remus is crushing on Sirius, and Sirius is completely clueless to this.

Do you guys think I should do a Remus's POV and/or a Sirius's POV?
Comment with your awnswers?

Love you all,
      Bethany [ProngsIsANinja]

P.S.: I am also known as Prongs to my good friends at school. Hence my user name.

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