Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Marlene McKinnon

[Sirius's POV]

Jeez! What the hell is Moony's problem? Is it his time of the month? Poor Remmy. He has lost his man card.




Just because he is gay, that is no reason to snap at me. Is that how all gay people act? I thought they were supposed to be all happy rainbows and unicorns, pink and white. You know what I mean?

Who am I talking to? Im not even talking im just thinking. Who am I thinking to? Wait. NO ONE CAN READ YOUR MIND SIRIUS! I dont think at least. What if they can? Id be in much more trouble more often. Funny.

Maybe i should tell James about Remus. Or I could tell Lilyflower. If I am tellilng anyone, it is going to be Lilyflower.

Lily would know right? Don't chicks have gaydar or whatever it is? I  wouldnt know cuz im not a chick... I think. No! I know I am not a chick!

I take another drink of my everlasting firewhiskey. I love love love this stuff. Drink of the champions. Yum.

Ill just ask Lily about gaydar in the morning. When I feel... hmmm... what do I feel like? I know I have something else to tell her.  I can't quite put a finger on it. But its on the tip of my tougne!! I know what I am talking about, well thinking... Oh well, It can wait until the morning.

I get up, and place my firewhiskey underneath my bed. I lay down on my bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

**Next Day**

Ugh, what did I do last night?

[Remus's POV]

I watched as the sun set, sharing the beautiful sight with my boyfriend, Sirius. His hand was tightly grasping mine. I loved the way his rough skin felt against mine. I turned to look  him in the eyes.

They shone with pride and happiness.  He leaned toward me and captured my lips with his, one of his hands snaking their way to the back of my neck to push my lips harder on his. I groaned and moved to be closer to him. Anything to be closer to him.

He pushed me further back until he was laying on top of me. His hands unwound from behind me, to explore my front. He trailed his hands down my shirtless chest, to the buttons on my trousers.

I sat up in bed drenched in sweat, and breathing heavily.

I must have had a nightmare. I can feel all reminants of my dream slipping back into my unconsious, leaving me questioning if I even did dream. I cant remember anything from the dream. Sunset is all i can remember. How beautiful the sunset was. And that I loved whomever was with me.

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. Whilst in the shower, I thought more on my dream, but couldnt figure out what it was about. I was still thinking about the dream as I brushed my teeth, put my clothes on, gathered my books for class, and on the trip to the Great Hall for breakfast.

I walked down the hall toward the Great Hall. I was stuck in my own mind and just merrily minding my own business, when I realized what my dream was about, and what happened last night with Sirius. Merlin! I've screwed myself over with this. Great...  Just great! This is just great! just perfect!

I walk into the great hall, with my books in hand. I go sit down, and see that Lily has decided to sit next to James. Wonder what is going on there. I drop my books noisily down on the seat next to me, effectively makeing Frank Longbottom go sit somewhere else, then I plop down into my seat eating my food in silence.

Sirius walks in with a face on that suggests he is hungover. Poor Siri. He must have an aweful headache. He walks to the table with a pained face on, reaching to the glass in front of him, containing awefully cold water, which he downs quickly. Sirius has huge dark circles under his eyes, suggesting that he got next to no sleep, compared to what he needed to nurse the hangover he has. Class is going to be hell for him.

"What the fuck are you staring at Moony?" Sirius demands, his voice rough and his tone harsh.

"Sorry." I murmured, lowering my eyes and focusing on eating my breakfast.

"Merlin! Sirius! Just because you decided to drink your troubles away last night does not mean you have to be so mean to Moony!" James defends me, at my lack of defence.

I eat the rest of my breakfast in silence. When finished I get up and decide to head towards History of Magic, one of my favorite classes. Why? Because I have it with every one of my friends.

In the rush to get to the santuary of the History of Magic room, i run into Marlene McKinnon and knock all of her, and my, books to the floor.

"Sorry!" I say, going to help her pick up her books, as well as to gather mine.

'It's fine Remus." Marlene replies, running a hand through her dark brown hair in frustration.

After a few minutes, when we had gathered all of our books back up, she thanked me. I turned to head toward History of Magic when I heard her call my name.

"Remus! We have the same class, remember?" Marlene asks.

"Cool." I say, speeding up to try and get away from her.

"Yeah." She pauses, jogging to catch up with me, "Hey Remus?"

"Yes, Marlene?"

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

"Uh..." I say,  in shock, "Sure." I reply.

"Ill see you Saturday then! Ten AM, sharp?" Marlene says, jogging away to History of Magic, leaving me behind.

I stood there for a few minutes until the hall was empty. What just happened?


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