Chapter Thirty Three

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"Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating here. Try some of that. Have some eggs."

"I'm so confused." Kat furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the person in front of her. Person... no, he wasn't a person. But he also wasn't the hulk.

"These are confusing times. Tell me, how did Natasha have a kid again?"

Natasha shook her head and looked at Bruce seriously. "No, no that's not important. What's important is that we talk about the idea we proposed earlier."

"The whole time travel do-over? Eh, guys, it's outside of my area of expertise."

"Well... you pulled whatever this is off, right? I remember a time when that seemed pretty impossible."

Bruce sighed and put his face in his hands. "Those are two completely different things."

Kat shrugged, looking at Natasha. "Then let's not make it two different things. We can combine the ideas, and we can make something new."

Bruce paused and looked between Natasha and Kat. "Did you have sex with Tony to have her?"

Natasha choked on the air, spitting out her drink. "What?"

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"We're gonna need a test subject."

As soon as Bruce said those words, Natasha's head snapped to Kat, who was smirking. "Don't even think about it."

Kat rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I'm an adult now, you can't control me."

Steve couldn't help but snicker at Natasha's face. "She does have a point, you know."

"I didn't ask for your input." She turned to Kat. "I only have one wish, and that's to keep you safe, no matter what it costs."

Kat rested a hand on Natasha's shoulder. "And I am. You need to stop worrying so much about me. Everything's going to work out."

"I can't stop worrying about you when you're always getting yourself into trouble."

Kat shrugged and turned to Bruce. "We ready to go?"

He nodded and signaled for Scott to fire up the quantum generator. "Our breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby."

"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose her in the 1950s."

"Excuse me?" Natasha looked at Bruce alarmed, ready to shut down this operation if it got too dangerous.

"Bruce, you can't say things like that."

"It was a bad joke." He tried to cover for himself but it didn't work very well for him. "But I honestly have no idea."

Kat sighed and took in a deep breath. "Alrighty then." She pulled her helmet on, clicking on a few emergency locks.

"We're good to go. Kat, I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in ten seconds. Make sense?"

"Perfectly not confusing."

"Good luck, Kat. You got this."

She looked at Steve and nodded. "Sure I do."

And then she was gone. "On the count of three, we bring her back. Three, two, one."

Kat came back as quickly as she had gone. Well, it wasn't the same Kat. The person who came back was eight or nine, a tiny replica of the girl the Avengers knew.

"Uh... guys? This doesn't feel right." Her voice was squeaky, and she was at least two feet shorter.

"Who is that? Is that Kat?"

"Yes, it's me."

Bruce pressed a couple of buttons on his machine, sending Kat back. It started to sputter, sparks of electricity flying out. "Shit, that's bad."

"Bring her back."

Bruce kept trying to, but the more he did, the more the van started to break down. "When I say kill the power, kill the power."

"Oh, my god." Natasha ran to the wall, where a series of levers were. She hoped she was pulling the right one.

She twisted the lever, and the van powered down, Kat coming out of it. "What the hell?"

Maybe she hadn't pulled the right lever. Because though Natasha's daughter was back, she wasn't the same age. No, she was seventeen again, the same age she had been when the blip happened.

"Jesus, you look young."

Kat turned around, rolling her eyes at Scott's comment. "No shit."

"Can you bring her back? Like, the same age?"

Bruce shook his head and sighed. "I think our generator is busted. And I'm not sure if it's very safe for a person to go through the generator that many times. I think our best bet is keeping it the way it is now."

"Great." She liked being an adult. She liked Natasha not being able to call her out on being illegal every time she took a drink of alcohol.

But here she was, seventeen again.

Insane in my Russian Brain - P. ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now