🌊 Comfort Over Chaos 🌊

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Ry's family attended Nya's memorial ceremony and stayed to comfort her a few days after until they went back home

*The day after Nya's memorial ceremony*

The monastery had been oldly silent ever since Nya's memorial ceremony yesterday. Tons of familiar faces and many more people attended the ceremony, including Skylor, Darreth, Vania with some guards from Shintaro, Ronin, Clutch Powers, Racer 7, Okino, Nelson, Antonia, Ed and Edna, some Monks and Geckles, Ray and Maya and even Ry's family.

Today however, most of the guests had left, only a few of the ninja's closest friends and family had stayed behind.

Like the rest of the monastery, the kitchen was silent as Ry sat in a chair at the table.

She held her head up with her hands, elbows on the table's top. Her brown eyes appeared blank yet shock, disbelief, sadness, and guilt all mixed into her gaze, which was fixed on the table.

Small tears threatened to seep out at the edges of her eyes, but Ry was in too much shock to start sobbing.

After a few minutes, she subconsciously lifted her sad gaze from the table to look at the small picture frame that sat on the kitchen counter.

It was a picture of the ninja team, all of the ninja, including Ry, as well as, Pixal and Master Wu. They all looked so happy back then.

As Ry gazed over the picture, she stopped to look directly into Nya's happy light brown eyes. Nya... her best friend... the older sister she never had... the first one to truly accept her into the team... was gone.

The tears her eyes immediately started to slide down her cheek, Ry's lip quivering when all of a sudden, a loud sob slipped out.

With that, she buried her head in her arms on the table as many more sobs followed, the long sleeves of her dark pink shirt quickly getting soaked with never ending tears.

"Ry...?" a voice called into the room, but she didn't hear it over her sobbing.

"Ry?" it called again, but Ry stop just kept sobbing, until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Startled, she jolted up, frantically wiping her eyes before she looked over to see her mother sitting in the chair next to her.

"M-mom?" Ry whisper-croaked while wiping her eyes again.

"Hey...," Mira, Ry's mother, worriedly greeted with a frown.

"How are you doing sweetie?" she asked, grabbing Ry's hands to give them a little comforting squeeze.

A silence filled the room as Ry dropped her gaze to the floor with a sniffle.

"I know this is really hard for you Ry," Mira continued while reaching up to move a strand of Ry's messy brown hair with some green mixed in behind her ear.

"I-," she sniffled again, "I-I just wish I could've..., done something," she whispered guiltily.

"Ry, you helped your friends stop Wojira and save Ninjago. You helped Nya. There was nothing else you could've done to stop her," Mira tried to reassure her daughter.

With that, Ry let out another little sob again, knowing that there was something she could've done to stop Nya. She was right there when Nya jumped off that building into the flood of the city to merge with the sea.

"There...," she sniffled, "there should've been," Ry croaked out, then sniffled again before turning to meet her mother's concerned brown gaze.

"Mom, I'm the master of wind. Nya... was- is," she corrected, refusing to believe Nya was gone forever, "the master of water. We both have the elements connected to Wojira," she quietly explained.

For a moment, Mira remained silent, not knowing how to make her daughter feel better as Ry just kept sniffling. 

"Ry... none of this is your fault. What Nya did was her choice. She chose to merge with the sea to save everyone," Mira explained, hoping it would make Ry feel better, but instead her brown eyes became glazed with anger.

She immediately pulled her hands out of her mother's while fiercely standing up from her chair.

"Yeah well, I-I should've... I don't know... actually merged with the wind instead of just sitting there second guessing myself! We could've defeated Wojira together! We... we could've left together!" Ry screamed in frustration, the wind suddenly picking up around her tightly closed fists.

"Ry...," Mira trailed off worriedly as she tried to approach her daughter to comfort her.

"Or or... what if I HAD JUST MERGED WITH THE WIND BEFORE NYA EVER EVEN TRIED TO BECOME THE SEA!!" Ry yelled at the top of her lungs while stomping away from her mother towards a wall.

Following Ry's anger, the wind spiraled around the kitchen in harsh gusts, so strong that all the dangling pots and pans slammed into each other, a loud clashing sound echoing through the room. The other kitchen utensils and even the picture of the ninja team flew off the counter and spiraled around near the ceiling.

"RY NO! YOU HAVE TO STOP!" Mira shouted with a hand up against the strong gusts as she clung desperately to the table's edge, trying to fight against the wind to reach Ry.

"THEN I COULD'VE DEFEATED WOJIRA AND NO ONE WOULD BE AS UPSET AS THEY ARE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE NYA WOULD STILL BE HERE!!" Ry shouted, her eyes suddenly turning bright pink as she slammed her hands down in the air, sending a blast of wind across the room, causing the spiraling gusts to come to a halt.

Mira covered her head as pots, pan, utensils, and the picture crashed to the floor around her.

As soon as everything fell to the floor, Mira fearfully rushed up to her daughter, who was now sobbing again.

Immediately gripping her shoulders, Mira spun Ry around to face her, noticing Ry's glossy bright pink eyes.

"Ry your anger won't bring Nya back," she sternly explained while tightly gripping Ry's shoulders, feeling her daughter's whole body trembling.

"Y-You have to calm down," Mira quietly added, as Ry continued to hyperventilate angrily.

"Please Ry... just breathe...," her mother begged while reaching for her daughter's hands, tightly squeezing them.

After a few seconds, Ry looked up into her mother's eyes, her angry pink eyes fading back into sad brown ones. She tightly closed her eyes, her lip starting to quiver. Then, even though she tried to hold it all back, a sob came out.

"Oh Ry... come here," Mira whispered as she gently pulled her daughter into a tight, comforting hug.

More tears spilled out of Ry's eyes as she desperately embraced her mother for comfort. Meanwhile, Mira gently stroked her daughter's long brown hair.

"You know... after Wu told your uncle Morro he wasn't the green ninja..., Morro became very impulsive and reckless," Mira quietly started to explain.

"He let his anger control him and nearly got killed many many times before he decided to just leave us," she finished then pulled out of the hug, leaving her hands on Ry's shoulders as they met each other's sad brown eyes.

"I don't want the same thing to happen to you," she sternly stated, visible fear in her eyes.

"I know this is hard for you... I know how upset and angry you are Ry... but please... please don't let this make you reckless," Mira begged her, tears brimming her eyes.

"Please don't do what your uncle Morro did... It won't change anything... It'll only hurt you," she desperately added.

For a moment Ry just stared into her sad eyes with her own. Then she sighed, realizing she needed to respond.

"I... I-I won't mom...," Ry told her, even though she knew it was a lie, but she didn't want to worry her mother.

"I love you so much sweetie," Mira exclaimed while pulling her daughter into another hug.

"I love you too mom," Ry replied as she hugged her mother tighter, her sad eyes gazing down at the ground, immediately flashed back to angry pink ones.

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